So... backstory (short version!). My daughter decided once a few years ago that she wanted a Chinchilla. I heavily advised against this, but despite my concerns the Chinchilla was acquired. She took care of it for a few months and then lost interest. I had to step in and take the Chinchilla for myself.
I actually didn't mind this too terribly much because even though I would have preferred to never have the responsibility, I was happy to take over. I bought a much bigger cage for him and things were going fine.
With four kids in the house and three dogs Chinchilla was never bored. Lots of action. Heck, maybe too much. The Chin really enjoyed teasing those dogs.
Another long story short... Human separation has happened and now the kids and the dogs are gone
I've been left with the Chinchilla... which is fine with me! But now... this once busy house is quite empty. With just me and Wiz.
He likes me fine and we get a long great but I worry about him being so bored. I work 8 hours a day and am frequently gone for a few hours at a time. He must be so so so bored. I try to interact with him as much as possible but I'm sure its not enough.
Should I prop up a TV for him to watch at times when I'm not here? Radio?
I've considered getting another Chin but with no guarantees they would hit it off... or is the cage even big enough (see pic)?
My poor guy I don't want him to be sad. He's happy a few hours every other day or so... but jeez I bet this guy is depressed a majority of the time.
I would estimate Wiz is alone in silence for 15 hours (or more) a day 4 days a week. Sometimes more maybe.
Well whatcha think?
Another chin a possibility? Make the best of it? Local pet store in town (locally owned by a nice lady) has 3 black Chins they are small. My chin is huge (I think?).
Anyway also this is my first post.
So here's Wiz and his cage.
I actually didn't mind this too terribly much because even though I would have preferred to never have the responsibility, I was happy to take over. I bought a much bigger cage for him and things were going fine.
With four kids in the house and three dogs Chinchilla was never bored. Lots of action. Heck, maybe too much. The Chin really enjoyed teasing those dogs.
Another long story short... Human separation has happened and now the kids and the dogs are gone
I've been left with the Chinchilla... which is fine with me! But now... this once busy house is quite empty. With just me and Wiz.
He likes me fine and we get a long great but I worry about him being so bored. I work 8 hours a day and am frequently gone for a few hours at a time. He must be so so so bored. I try to interact with him as much as possible but I'm sure its not enough.
Should I prop up a TV for him to watch at times when I'm not here? Radio?
I've considered getting another Chin but with no guarantees they would hit it off... or is the cage even big enough (see pic)?
My poor guy I don't want him to be sad. He's happy a few hours every other day or so... but jeez I bet this guy is depressed a majority of the time.
I would estimate Wiz is alone in silence for 15 hours (or more) a day 4 days a week. Sometimes more maybe.
Well whatcha think?
Another chin a possibility? Make the best of it? Local pet store in town (locally owned by a nice lady) has 3 black Chins they are small. My chin is huge (I think?).
Anyway also this is my first post.