My baby Jet's 1st show & he did great!

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non-stop poop sweeper
Jan 29, 2009
Chicago suburb
I'm pretty much a very excited chinmomma right now! Now I can't really take all the credit since I didn't breed him, that credit would go to Bill & Cat. Jet turned 6 months old on 9/25 and I've had him for 4 months. I promised Cat that I would show him at the WI MCBA show but I was super nervous about it since I had never showed any of my chins before. I'm glad I had the experience of showing one of my pets but I must say that I will most likely leave that to all you show pro breeders. My lungs need a break, lol!

Jet was awarded the Reserve Champion in Color Section. Myself & the rest of his fans :D were so excited!

Here are some pics of him and the judge...


Jet is in cage 16...



Getting groomed by his breeder...

the judge making some good comments...



Me with my baby...


his decked out carrier...

Congrats Sandi and Jet! He sure is a beautiful chin!
He is gorgeous Sandi, congrats! I notice you have a hole open in your 2-hole carrier. Is there something you'd like to share? Did you bring home a new addition? Hahaha. ;)

I don't bring carriers to chin shows anymore- too dangerous.

I am glad you had a great time. Maybe next year I can go...
Thanks everyone. :)) I got home about an hour ago and got Jet settled back in his cage in his room. He has been barking a lot since Friday night so I want to give him some peace and quiet.

He is gorgeous Sandi, congrats! I notice you have a hole open in your 2-hole carrier. Is there something you'd like to share? Did you bring home a new addition? Hahaha. ;)

I don't bring carriers to chin shows anymore- too dangerous.

I am glad you had a great time. Maybe next year I can go...

Thanks Nikki and nooooo way was that extra hole in the carrier empty for any new chins. I would have been shot if I came back with another one. That extra hole had all of Jet's supplies... food, water bottle and hay and that's it, I swear!!!!
Congrats! He is gorgeous! Oh, and the "I'm not taking a carrier to the show so I can't come back with another one" won't work!Just ask Crysta(essentia).Both of us ended up going home with a new friend at the show in Statesville,NC(almost 2 yrs ago??).She won a terrific carrier and of course that was her "sign" that the chin she was drooling over needed to come home with her.I finally got brave enough to open my test results(5 year follow up CT scan for my cancer) and it was clear!!YAAYYYY!! Now I had a reason to get myself a present too! Tigger Too(aka Drake from Tiffany) rode all the way home in his little bonding pouch(which came from Tif too).I had picked up a used 2 hole carrier at the show since I was bringing him home,but never needed it.:wink2:
Congrats Again Cat, Bill, Sandi, and Jet!!!! Now you can bond with your baby! I had an amazing time this weekend and promise to post pictures soon. Honestly though, the best part was coming home and having Lady groom me! I guess she's not going to hold a grudge this time :-D