I have 3 chinchillas Dixie, Bippity and Boppity (Bip and Bop for short). Dixie being the mom and Bip and Bop being the 4 month old babies. They will be 5 months the 23rd of this month. I have had Dixie since last august. The babies since November. I got Dixie at a pet store and did not know she was pregnant until the babies were already here. One night Dixie was acting strangely. She was barking and just would not sit still then the next morning, I woke up to the sound of barking/crying but it wasn't Dixie, it was her baby. She had 3 babies so i decided to name them Bippity, Boppity, and Boo. lol i thought they were cute names. Boo died a few days afterwards. We took Dixie and the babies to the vet a few months ago and they were all healthy and found out the babies were both girls so I don't have to get rid of them lol. I thought it was a pretty cool story so I decided to share it