My 2 new chin-babies!

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2009
Mechanicsburg, PA
Well I finally picked up 2 chins on Sunday. I was only planning on getting one, a white mosaic male. I decided a few days before that maybe he will want a cagemate and I had plenty of money set aside and said heck, I'll get his brother. These 2 came from Sycamore Chins on here. Their names are Bam Bam (white mosaic) and Domo (standard). These 2 are extremely friendly and are doing wonderful! Their cage right now is way to small for the both of them but once my fiance and I purchase our first home and get out of our apartment, we plan on getting the Feisty Ferret cage. Well.. on with the pics!






Look at all those pictures. You can tell someone got bit by the bug.........

Beautiful boys. Congratulations on your new fellas!

You might want to take a look at the Ferret Nation 142 when you decide to buy a larger cage. You really get more bang for your buck with them.
thats weird im gonna name, if i get another chin, bam bam. then pebbles if i get another one, i doubt it and then barney which is a dream. But it was kinda a bummer that i couldn't name all my chins from flintstones, since my first ones name is Ricky Z how i got that name i have no idea. cute chins by the way.