Mutations/Colors: Pictures

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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White Violet:


Pink White:


White Eb:
Here is a picture of my ebony white. His ebony color goes around to his belly.


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StarGaz'N- that has got to be the prettiest chin I have ever seen. Wow, how beautiful!
Looks like he has a sweater on - how unique! Beautiful!! Keep us posted on any changes Katie!
The white-violet is also great! Unique pattern - also would like to see any changes that develop!
My mosiacs change quite a bit, just wondering if they all do!
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Temp has bright red eyes and I thought he looked beige, but after seeing the charbrown picture, he looks a bit like that too. I don't know much about chin colors yet, so what color would he be classified as? Am I even close with my beige / charbrown guess? lol!
(And I apologize for the bars in the way!)
He is very unlikely to be a CharBrown, those are unheard of in the US. 3CsMommy, **** beige comes in very little variation. I posted Tilly up closer to the middle of the thread, most **** beiges look just like her. A "dark" **** beige would be a hetero beige, usually. The **** beiges have a standard x beige gene, homos have a beige x beige gene. That is the simplest I can explain it.

Do you know what his parents were? If he has ebony is his background, he is likely a tan. If not, he is likely just a dirty-bellied beige. Hetero beige, not **** beige.

Do you have any more pictures of him?

When I first got into chins, I couldn't tell a standard from a sapphire or sapphire from violet - it took a couple months of looking at a lot of pictures and visiting breeders :)
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3CsMommy, **** beige comes in very little variation. I posted Tilly up closer to the middle of the thread, most **** beiges look just like her. A "dark" **** beige would be a hetero beige, usually.

Where's that "d'oh" smiley? Once again, I said one and meant the other, which is why I have no intention of breeding (chinchillas *or* myself :D ).
There are some very nice pics of chins in this thread.

When i get time, I will have to ad my pics, but I will do it to my profile and let you guys know so you can look at them.

PS. I want my stars

We're not sure about our two girls. Minnie is either a Mosaic or a Wilson White. Her ears are dark, and the base of her tail is dark, but she has no other markings.

Carmen is an enigma. She has very light ears with freckles, but we're not sure if she's a sapphire, a beige or what. Some beige pics really look like her, but so do some sapphire pics.

My computer won't let me put them in the message, but I have pics of both of them in my profile. What do you all think?
Carmen is an enigma. She has very light ears with freckles, but we're not sure if she's a sapphire, a beige or what. Some beige pics really look like her, but so do some sapphire pics.

My computer won't let me put them in the message, but I have pics of both of them in my profile. What do you all think?

Jenny, if she has freckles, she is some form of a beige, not a sapphire.
I just looked at Carmen's pics in your profile and she is definitely a beige.