Moving to an apartment!! Help me decorate :)

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
My roommate and I thought it would be easier to live in the dorms on campus for our sophomore year. BAD IDEA!!! The girls in our hall were so rude and incredibly loud. We are both in ROTC so we get up at 4:30 am every day except weekends... we've had doors slammed in our face, major attitude, etc when we asked them if they could stop screaming down the hallway or turn their music down a bit (usually around 11 or 12).
So we are moving to an apartment. We took a chance with two random roommates because my roommate and I wanted to stay together and they were that was the only apartment unit on campus looking for two roommates. One is a foreign exchange student who seems really nice. The other I havent' met yet.

Anyways, I'm totally excited to have my own room and bathroom!! What are some things I might not think about when I move in in terms of things I'll need? I'm trying to get a list together!
well if its need everything! linens, cleaning supplies, decorations.
comfy pillows, good lighting, pictures of your critters!
I can relate. When I lived in the dorms, my bed was right next to this guy's bed in the room next to me. His girlfriend slept over most nights...and they were not quiet. It was horrible. But I felt worse for his roommate!! Overall, the sound of drunken kids running around at all hours is not very pleasant when it's an everyday thing.

My suggestion is IKEA, ask your parents for furniture they don't use anymore and craigslist for expensive stuff that you don't want to buy new (couches, big tables, dressers etc). If you're going to be moving out when you graduate, then try not to buy a lot of stuff you want to take with you (e.g expensive nice things that are big or heavy). The initial costs may be daunting. Like buying pots, pans, cleaning stuff, toilet paper, lamps, utensils, dishes, blinds, mirrors--so much stuff. But then you'll have it for a while and won't need to buy most of them again for some time.

Getting out of the traditional dorms is definitely worth it.
Before you go hog wild with the utensils and stuff, find out what is there for your guys to share and what you'll need to provide for yourself.
Woohoo! Best feeling in the world...until you move out of an apartment into a duplex/house! After a year in the apartments I wanted out almost as bad as when I was in the dorms.

For your room: dresser, storage/bookshelf, mirror, bed, nightstand, curtains, desk, chair
For your bathroom: shower caddy, cleaning supplies, toilet brush, trashcan, shower curtain

Craigslist is awesome - also garage sales!
Paper towels! Toilet paper! Rags & towels! Hammer&nails (hanging up pictures?)!

You have to figure out who's bringing the appliances!

Microwave? Toaster? Vacuum?

Can you all share a hairdryer? Hair straightener?

Side tables?

Living with a roomate is fun, but can be stressful over time! My best suggestion is, if you're starting to see something bug you, TELL THEM RIGHT AWAY!!!!! There is NOOOOOOOOO use in simmering in frustration over their annoying little habits, because they HAVE NO CLUE that you're annoyed and will never change if you don't tell them! As long as you bring up your points calmly and respectfully then they won't get offended and will be glad to make an effort for you! :)
Ditto to Ash - find out what they already have living there so you aren't buying duplicate items. You won't have this stuff forever so I would buy cheap and keep an eye on craigslist for things like dressers and stuff.