Make sure your heating for the kits has an area they can crawl away from if they get too warm. I like using fleece as a nest. They love to snuggle up in it. In a week or so they will nibble a bit of soft hay. Oxbow has a great orchard grass or Timothy.
Keep hand feeding them until they reach 200 grams or don't want to be hand fed anymore. Also......
In a couple weeks take powder goats milk, feed pellets and infant stage one baby rice cereal and grind them in a cheap coffee grinder. Pour the powder in a low bowl along with pellets on one side. It's a great formula to help keep those bellies full later. Offer hay as well.
Link for goat milk at Walmart:
About 1/2 cup pellets, tablespoon of powder goats milk and tablespoon of the stage one infant rice cereal. Pour the left over in a zip lock bag to use later. Make sure they are not peeing in your low bowl. Check couple times a day.
I can buy both powder and canned goats milk at Walmart in the baking section. The recipe is in the forum for storage. I freeze the cubes and put them in a zip lock freezer bag in the freezer. Pull them out and use when needed.
Note: If you should get a kit that suddenly hates eating. They get fussy about milk temperature. Some like body temp and some a touch warmer. And use the whole milk product. Seem's Meyenberg sells a non fat.
Good luck. Your going to be a zombie.
And come back to ask questions. None are NEVER too stupid to ask when it comes to keeping little ones alive.