morning show drops baby chins!!!

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The show hosts are not the idiots, the chin handler is since she is in charge of the chins. Not sure if this is the right place for this thread though.
You'd think someone would have went and got them after they were dropped the first time!! And even after the SECOND time, no one rushed to get them! Poor babies :(
What a ding dong they all are. The handler says, "no, it's OK, they live in high places like the Andes. They're very hearty." And Kathie Lee says "babies bounce??????"

And then the trainer says that the do well in the care of humans but are mostly raised for their coats??

Poor lil' punkins
OMG! I can't believe they were dropped twice! And really, the chin handler should have stepped in after the first drop and advised them how to properly handle the babies, or insist they be put down. For goodness sakes, how ridiculous. I hope the babies were ok afterward!
I'm sure no one on this forum has lasted more than a few weeks as a new chin owner without one getting away from them, but this handler was a pretty big idiot. Especially how she was talking over them the whole time after the first one was dropped, instead of taking them away from the hosts who were clearly lost. Since the babies were so young, they could really have been hurt in the falls.
I can't get the video to play but someone should complain to Seaworld/busch gardens.

And on that note, why in the world does seaworld/busch gardens have chinchillas???
I think Kathy/Hoda might have a slight fear of rodents. Even though they are both saying "aww they're so cute!" you can read their faces/body language and see that they are holding them as far away from their bodies as they can. Clearly they dont like the pitter patter of little chinnie feet on their arms/hands.

Whenever they bring animals on any morning show, they should seriously brief the hosts beforehand as to what will happen on the show and how to handle the animals. That way the animal handler doesnt have to explain it live on the air and can talk about where the animals are from etc. Clips like this make me angry that multi-million dollar programs cant do a little planning and get their act together. Sheesh!! (pardon my venting)

While I love to see the animals and to hear about them, I really dislike these segments on most television shows. It wouldn't be too bad if the host was sitting down and really paying attention to the life they are holding. But even in this clip these women are looking at the person speaking or the camera and not focusing in on the quick, jumpy babies.
I think Kathy/Hoda might have a slight fear of rodents. Even though they are both saying "aww they're so cute!" you can read their faces/body language and see that they are holding them as far away from their bodies as they can. Clearly they dont like the pitter patter of little chinnie feet on their arms/hands.

Whenever they bring animals on any morning show, they should seriously brief the hosts beforehand as to what will happen on the show and how to handle the animals. That way the animal handler doesnt have to explain it live on the air and can talk about where the animals are from etc. Clips like this make me angry that multi-million dollar programs cant do a little planning and get their act together. Sheesh!! (pardon my venting)


Yes Dawn you are so right--the person allowing kits to be held by complete strangers is themselves a complete moron.

If this is the kind of person in charge of some of their animals it makes me wonder what else happens to animals in the care of Sea World.
yea it made me mad to, i was in the bathroom and my mom screamed " there is chinchillas on tv!!" so i went running in there and was watching it and then i saw them drop them the first time ok, understandable but 2 times!!! it just really made me mad!!! i even commented and told my mom" someone kept dropping my chinchillas like that id be pretty upset"
I can't see the video, I hate Today anyway, but could someone brief me: why were the chins on the show? The 'hardiness' of animals?