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So Nyxie made her grand arrival in the dining room last night and has adjusted really well during her quarentine.! We are all so excited how friendly she is becoming and how litle the hustle and bustle of our house bothers her.

Petra on the other hand I think is confused by the new comer. Since playtime takes place on the floor of our dining room and Nyx's cage in on the floor of the dining room Petra got her first look. Nyx as is her custom, completly ignored her, hopped around a bit and the sat back to enjoy a willow star. Petra I think tried to get her attention chirping and putting her paws against the bars. Then left for a few minute when she came back to Nyx's cage she lunged at the bars which startled Nyx so Nyx sprayed her straight in the face. Petra was so startled she just stood there and recieved a second shot in the chest and then booked it for her bath.

After a good 10 mins continuous bathing she came and sat on me and proceeded, I can only assume, to tell me of this tramatic event as she just looked at me bewildered and chirped and barked quite a bit because she and I had never seen a chinchilla spray before this. :hilarious:

After Petra's play time I had Nyx's playtime. Which was the first time Nyx had ever been let out to really run in her entire life. Didn't know what to do with her self. Mostly just sat in one corner and would randomly popcorn.

I put her away and washed my hands really well, then went to give Petra a good scritching. She enjoyed it moving slightly so I could get the good spots. After about five minute of this while I had been scritching her side and tummy she sprayed my hand and then looked horrified! Ran back into her house and refused to come back out. This afternoon during her afternoon scritch she did it again, but without being horrified. :err:

What is this about?

Is this just from stress about Nyx?

Or is she just trying it out for funzies?
Some chins just get tired of getting's good for awhile, but then they get bored with it. With my guys, they'll kack at me and push my hand away once they're done. Maybe it's her way of saying "Okay, I'm over it!"

I actually got sprayed by one of *cough Becky's cough* females at Nationals while I was giving her a scritch. Moody!
Usually she can't get enough. I've spent a full half hour at it before and she always wants more pressing her cheek against the bars. And this afternoon I'd barily been at it thrity seconds. I of course yanked my hand away and she ran to the side of her cage and assumed her "scritch me" pose. It just so strange.
She just did it again to my roommate James. He scritched her a little bit, she peed on him, he of course was shocked (I hadn't told him about her peeing on me... lol) he pulled yelped, she ran away and looked ashamed. After he washed his hands he went back to ask her what happened and she wanted more scritching.

It doesn't seem like angry spraying. She doesn't even stand all the way up or jump while she does it. She just shoots urine all over our hands....
Perhaps she just doesn't want to be scratched? If it's her first day seeing the new chin she could be upset over it or still smelling the new chin. If the only time she sprays is when you scratch her, I'd just stop for now.
If she's never really done it before, I would definitely attribute it to the new chin's arrival. Give her some time to get used to the change, and maybe hold off on giving her scritches for a while. :yuck: Then maybe when things have settled down for her, and she is used to your new addition, you can go back to giving her all the love.