More or Less Shelves?

  • Thread starter burritothechinchilla
  • Start date
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I'm wondering what you guys prefer. Do you like a TON of shelves in your cage? Or do you like it to be more empty, shelve wise?
I like tons of shelves, chins love to bounce around from shelf to shelf it is so fun to watch. I don't see why you would want a big empty cage. Fill it up! Lol. Even if that means you need to get another chinchi!
I have tons of shelves and perches in my cages! I love seeing my boys jumping around in their cage
I have a ton of shelves in my newer cages and more open spces in the originals my hubby made The extra shelves seem better IMPO
I think that it comes down to safety. I like just enough shelves that are properly spaced. This way the chin won't hurt itself trying to jump from one shelf to another that is too far away. I always set up my cages so that they have easy access to each level. I don't think the cage should be crowded, but they need plenty of spaces to jump and rest on.