So, hopefully these are the last of the surprise babies from rescues. In December, I adopted a pair and their baby (well, they were on craigslist and were going to whoever would come get them first and I snatched them hoping to find them good homes). The baby was five days old at that point and mom and dad were still housed together. I separated the parents and the baby did well and thrived and is now 15 weeks old and in his own bachelor pad. I planned to hold onto the female for the additional time before finding her a permanent home in case she were pregnant. Friday she gave birth (about a 105 days after her first kit). There are two beautiful girls, a standard and a beige. Friday seemed to go on okay, but Saturday mom starting getting upset when the babies tried to nurse and the girls started fighting over nursing. So, I began separating them and giving each baby two hours with mom alone at a time. Today, mom is letting them nurse even less. I started supplementing their diet in addition to rotating them. The beige kit caught on very quickly, but the standard fights every time and I am never sure how much she is actually eating. From birth, the beige has also been much more calm about being handled and the standard has opposed it.
Is there anything else I should be doing? I checked out mom and everything looks good, there doesn't appear to be any swelling, irritation, or injuries. I also did a bottle with 1/2 water and 1/2 cranberry juice. I am calling the vet in the morning as well...
These surprise kits certainly give me even more reason why I don't want to breed! :hair:
Is there anything else I should be doing? I checked out mom and everything looks good, there doesn't appear to be any swelling, irritation, or injuries. I also did a bottle with 1/2 water and 1/2 cranberry juice. I am calling the vet in the morning as well...
These surprise kits certainly give me even more reason why I don't want to breed! :hair: