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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
Recessive White Carrier male who will be in with Calyx (most beautiful chin ever... LOL )



Spot, he is pending sale for his new home! He is out of super lines, and should be an exceptional male, he was just born too late to be in the show string this year! His brother is below!



I want that awesome extreme pink white male you have! your just a tad to far away though. The chins above are nice too, but he has my heart!
I bet I could get him to California if that helps... If he was a female there's no way he'd be leaving, but I have one pw male ( who might be going as well when I do my post show rearrange) two white males in breeding, working on further improving my standard and working with the recessive whites, the blue diamonds, and trying to work with some violets... so yea, I don't need anymore irons in the fire right now, lol. He has a great personality and good fur too, not just a pretty face, lol.

The white boys above are out of Bamboozled my favorite white male who always produces nice babies, they were just born to late to be ready for show. I love their coloring. Unfortunately I have a female who got out and is sneaky... I can't catch her by hand, and she won't go into the live trap and she likes to chew on the water lines... so the humidity in the chin house is high... not the best plan when I'm trying to start show prepping!
I'm in Washington. :( I just got out of violets myself, and am focusing more on the whites, and standards at this time, and have a special place for the freaks (extremes)
Well California is a lot closer! LOL If you know of anyone going to the ECBC Nationals I'll be there as well. It sucks finding chins so far away you want! I've done a lot of driving in the past, my poor little car has the miles racked up on it really good over chins!
I'll keep that in mind. When is the show? If this past year hadn't been a PITA, I would have looked into other chins from ya, and shipping, but it's been a costly one and still live at the doctors! lol
I'm sure on the exact date, usually it's the first weekend of March. I was up through Washington in March, this boy wasn't born yet, but I was there! LOL

Shipping can be costly, I agree.

Thanks Jenn, I like both of the white males, Spot and Phantom, if they were girls they would be staying... but they got that mixed around I guess, lol
Chris, he is gorgeous, you could find out if there is anyone from here going down to Ca. then who could bring him back up here for you.