Moody Mom

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SO, I have a female Penelope and a Male Lowle, there are separated. But anyways i don't think my female is pregnant but shes soooo mean we got her out and held her she bit my friend 5 times and my brother 1.

We got these to from the same litter. I think after i separated them it hit her really hard. She's always asleep and never comes out when i call her or go to her cage. Lowle on the squeaking noise at me and i pet him then he goes back to sleep. So is she just not friendly or do u think some thing is wrong?
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If she isn't pregnant how come you are calling her "mom" ? How long have you had them? They may still be getting used to you and their environment. My chinnies are far more comfortable with me than anyone else so chances are yours are more comfortable with you than your friend or your brother but still may need to get used to you more. Please keep them separate, you do not want them to mate.
IDK i just like to call her mom... I have had them for almost a year now. I'm not going to breed them until im more experienced and when she gets older.

Perhaps the best option for you is to make an appointment with your vet to get the male neutered. That way they can live together with no inbreeding.

How old were they when you got them? If you have had them for a year and have just recently separated them, then chances are she is already preggers.

Get the male fixed ASAP and check out a few of the Sticky's posted around the forum for proper kit treatments in case you have "accidents".
Intuition tells me your female may be pregnant and that you should start reading up on proper care for pregnant females...
I don't mean to sound like a butt here, however is my impression right. These are a brother and sister from the same litter and you left them together even when breeding was a possibility? Did you do any research before you got them?

Yep, start reading about pregnancy and kits. You will probably need the information. For now, separate them until after getting the male neutered and giving him time to heal. Or, you can just permanently separate the two of them.
okey well actually i was just told that my chins parents had another litter. So i was going to give Penelope to them and take Lowle's little brother in exchange. They have had many litters so they know how to breed if she is pregnant. I will still have to keep the to males in a diff. cage and just let them out at the same time? Or should i not let them together at all? thanks
Two boys living together will be fine. If I were you I would switch with the breeder and get two males. Much safer that way
Two boys living together will be fine. If I were you I would switch with the breeder and get two males. Much safer that way

I totally agree. Dead babies are not a fun thing to wake up to, and with such a young girl, she may have problems herself. Sounds like the breeder is having a breedback with their momma too....not usually the best thing. After this I suggest finding a new breeder who lets you know you should not keep a brother and sister chin together. :hair:
yes, i did switch i now have 2 males Lowle and what should i name the other, any suggestions? He is a regular color but the gray is pretty dark so he looks black with a white belly but he will get lighter as he gets older.
I decided to name the other one Chip. Should i put there cages close together so they can smell and get used to each other before i let them out together. Because i'm not going to keep them in the same cage i'm just going to put them in the play area together.
I would say to put them side by side (with at least a 3 inch space between the cages) for a week and then see how playtime goes. I can not honestly tell you that them only having playtime together will work. I have had a couple that get aggressive towards their cagemates only during playtime. Maybe it will work for them, but I personally would not ever leave them unsupervised. Even for a minute while you ran to do something.