Money Saving Tips

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Cass C

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2014
I searched the forums and could not find a post on this, so I figured I could start one. I wanted to share some tips to save money on our furry and sometimes expensive friends that I wish I knew as an owner starting out. Seeing how I am now completely financially responsible for their well being it has made a huge difference to my pocketbook. I would love to hear other people's tips as well.

  • Use Good Chinchilla food (It will save in expensive vet bills later)
  • Use Aspen Bedding (Some feed stores sell this in bulk) or for reusable bedding use fleece liners. I used carefresh and it got expensive fast.
  • Buy a high quality wheel instead of cheap wheels you will constantly be replacing.
  • Buy bulk hay whenever possible. If there are a lot of horses in your area chances are horse grass hay is cheaper and just as good for your chinchilla.
  • Do NOT buy wood/toys at petstores the vendors online are often safer and cheaper. Especially the ones supported by this site.

So does anyone else have a way they save money on their chinchilla care? Obviously without putting the chinchilla at risk.
I buy Mazuri straight from them- even with the shipping it's cheaper than buying any other food from nearby stores after the petstore's markup. Im sure other companies have the same thing, I just havent looked it up ever.
Doing your own sticks or buying on here is probably my biggest money saver with how much mine chew.
fleece liners are great- I would get a couple though so you can ave some in the cage while others are in the wash.
checking out natural food stores for treats can be a cheaper way to get them too.
finding cages on sites like craigslist can be a huge money saver compared to buying new. just make sure to clean them really well.
Get a job at a pet store ;)

My girlfriend works at one and the discounts allows us to spoil our chinnies even more
Buy in bulk whenever possible? If you're close to a blue cloud distributor for example, you can purchase 50lb bags for maybe $30-35 I believe? And guess what, it doesn't go bad LOL Same for feed, even if you have a smaller number of chinchillas, if you purchase a bigger bag it may turn out to be cheaper. I have customers who tell me that even after throwing away the last 15lbs of a 50lb bag, they save money on the bigger bags. Same for wood/toys...a LOT of vendors (myself included) often give discounts on larger orders :)

OH! And anything you can for your chinchillas. From making pine shelves, to hammocks to even building's always cheaper if you have the ability, to make them yourself!