mommy chin drinking kitten milk

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Christiane's Chinchillas
Jul 4, 2009
Montréal, Québec
I was asked this question and don't know the answer.

If one puts a bottle with kitten milk (besides the water bottle) in case the kits don't feed off the mother enough, is it a danger for the mom to drink it?

Thanks ahead of time for your responses
I can't imagine the kittens drinking from a bottle that is just propped there. I guess you should just do the same thing as you would with kits, keep track of their weights and hand feed if really needed.
Thanks :)

She was talking about kits and not kittens. She was wondering if it would hurt the mom to drink the kitten milk.

Since she works and can't bring them with her if need be. She wants to prepare for when they come.

I will just let her know to check on the weight and feed them as much as she can when she is home.
I would be more concerned about a bottle of milk spoiling after being left out all day. When you hang a milk bottle, you have to change it every couple hours or run the risk of it going bad.

It won't hurt mom to drink it if it's fresh, but it could hurt all of them if it's rancid.
Thanks again Tunes,

Yap, that's true, unless she can find a way to keep it fresh it won't help her anyway.

I guess she will have to feed if need be every two hours to start off when she comes home.

thanks again
I was thinking the same thing - wouldn't the goat's milk be better than KMR? (If you were going to hang fresh milk.)
There are people who have used it for years. Do I recommend it? No. I use the goats milk/water/cereal mix. But some people have used KMR and some have used plain old cows milk too.
Wow i would think that being so many humans have problems with cows milk that it would be the last thing they could have.

I will stick with goats milk mix to.