Mom and baby separation question! :)

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New member
Aug 1, 2013
I talked to a good friend of mine whom I adopted Sakura and Kora (mother and daughter). I mentioned the idea of separating them for a short while to see if their actions towards me and my fiance' would improve. Kora is more open to being touched and comfortable in the top half of the ferret nation by herself and Sakura is still a bit in pushing us away but comfortable and she is running on her wheel more by herself than with her daughter around, plus she doesn't seem to care that Kora is not in the same cage with her. Kora is a little bothered but not severely from what I can tell. Some people say, it works out, others say don't do it but I just wanted to get opinions on this from others as well to see how others have done with separating and improving human to chinchilla interactions. I know some chins prefer others over humans but it has gotten to where we couldn't even get Sakura and Kora to get in the dust tub to come out for playtime, they just didn't want anything to do with us at all besides getting treats and running away :(
My opinion is this... if you do decide to separate them, be prepared that they might not ever be able to go back together. Also, I dont think separating will make them be more personal with humans. Some chins never really enjoy human interaction. But mostly it just takes time, and lots of love. I would keep them together and just enjoy them for what they are. I have some chins who just hate being touched, so I dont touch them. I give them their treats and chew sticks and they have become comfortable taking them from me. But I dont push the issue of touching, I talk to them and they come to the side of the cage and "talk" back to me. it really just takes time