moist eye

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
Another question about the sapphire.
Klinger has had a moist eye since I got him from jill. It is not always prevalant but somtimes it appears it is in both eyes. I mentioned it to her and she said she took him to the vet and they didnt find anything.
Was wondering possible reasons for this?
He eats, drinks, pees & poops good. chews his wood and has not exhibited any signs of tooth issues.
He is small (posted another thread regarding this) only 455g.

I did put him on a short course of the tri-meth and I didnt notice that much of a difference. Perhaps a 10 - 14 day treatment would be more effective.

He dusts about 3 times a week and eats PANR & oxbow hay. maybe allergies??

Have anyone had this happen before and what were the reasons?
Marble is quite prone to wet eyes because there is a flowering plant in my house that bothers his eyes. So every year around this time I look forward to cutting that flower off before it blooms so Marble doesn't get itchy, watery eyes.