Mmm mmm good!

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non-stop poop sweeper
Jan 29, 2009
Chicago suburb
I've heard great things about Tanya's supplements and thought I'd give it a try with my boys. Well, they went nuts over Tanya's Organic Nature’s Broad Spectrum Supplement and I took a few pics of them gobbling it up. CJ was a little hesitant at first, looking at me, then looking at his bowl but as soon as he took a good sniff, he went to town on it! I believe it's been helping him along with the Organic Leaf Delight. I only give it to them per the directions on the bag. So here are a few pics...

Gerard, nom nom nom....


Pepper needed to check it out as well...



Ebony (excuse his cage, it was cleaning day but I kept procrastinating and took pics instead :p )



There are a few extra of CJ, well because, it's CJ!...

Here he is approaching his bowl where he had looked at it and
now is looking at me as if saying, "Mom, what's this stuff?"





nom nom nom, you're right mom, this is good, nom nom nom

Haha, how cute! Ebony is really pretty.
(I'm sure we all procrastinate cleaning... I use to do it all the time)
Awwwww, beautiful babies...

I ordered the same (Broad Spectrum) supplement and others from Tanya recently myself. I can't wait to try them out! Looks like your boys approve. :) I love watching them dance around and get really excited about stuff- wood, shreddies, supplement, etc.
See? I should have smell testing parties at my house more often, huh? I told you they would love them. :)
See? I should have smell testing parties at my house more often, huh? I told you they would love them. :)

Yes, you should have more parties! :thumbsup:
But next time, I will avoid the state of Wisconsin like the plague! :pillowfight:
Awwwww... babies look so happy :D
I have to say CJ and Pepper are very talented actors!
they are adorable.
cj rocks!!

richie & chewy just tried the essential for life. richie who turns his head at the mere smell of critical care, really enjoyed the EFL. chewy was a bit intimidated by the large 60cc syringe, so we are going with a smaller standard 10cc syringe tonite!
I ordered some stuff from her and she gave me the supplement as a sample, and my boy loves it!! He munches away on it until it is all gone, and I will definitely be buying more when this one runs out.:)