Mitzie getting her morning feeding

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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2009
Northern Virginia
Mitzie is doing much better after her issues with gas and gut dehydration. I thought I would share some pics from this morning feeding of cc. She has decided that cc is pretty tastey and has been very good about taking her gas drops and Laxatone as well


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Good news! I love to see that. So many times they fight the CC. But when they decide it's good, look out! Don't get between a hungry chin and her syringe. lol.....
What a good sport. I love the last picture with her looking directly in the camera. Looks like she is thinking "Can you believe she's making me eat this stuff?"
the last one she's like " look at me" while drooling the concoction down herself. Good thing shes feeling better.
Aww what a trooper. Glad she's feeling better.

On a side note: That cat looks like Chin burritos might be on the menu :p
hahaha I was wondering when someone was going to mention the kitty! That is Sockie, I didn't even realize she was there until after I looked at the pic. She was probably thinking, 'Why the heck is Mommy paying attention to the thing and not me!" She is my "demanding" kitty
Awwww. Glad to see she's getting better. My senior kitty WB ( short for walnut brain ) loves to help in the chin room. My youngest cat Skippy is close to being vaporized. He's a pain in the chin room. You would think the broom treatment would scare him to death to be in there. Nawww.....he's just plain stupid. :wacko: