No, mites can't be transferred to people... at least not as an infestation. When my hedgies had mites, I could swear I felt bugs crawling on me. My boyfriend thought I needed a CAT scan because there is a nerve disorder that causes one to feel like there are things crawling on the skin, when in fact there is not. But it turned out to be mites. After handling a mite-infested hedgie, the mites can stay alive temporarily on you, but will die within a few minutes. Mites are species-specific so you can't even transfer them to a dog or cat.
A tip for helping the infestation go away faster... clean the cage every day. If you're using bedding, it can cost a little more, but bedding can keep mites around longer. I cleaned my hedgies cages and everything in them twice a day and changed their liners every day and the mites were gone in two weeks.