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Ruby's Mom
Jun 29, 2009
Can a chinchilla be in front of a mirror (like their cage) I never tried it but always wondered lol
I thought i saw someone on the ferret nation club thread that had a mirror, but im not sure. Would it hurt them or something?
It's a little known fact, but chinchillas have no reflection. *wishes she were a fly on the wall in countless chinchilla rooms and wonders how many people will actually check*
I thought i saw someone on the ferret nation club thread that had a mirror, but im not sure. Would it hurt them or something?

It was probably me. Chula came with a small mirror in his cage when I got him. He no longer has it in there since he started chewing the plastic edges, but it was in there for a long time before that. He really seemed to like it. He would sit in front of it and cock his head like a puppy does. He had to know that it was himself since he hates other chinchillas, yet he never cacked at it or anything.
My chin Sebastian's cage is in front of a mirror. Only occasionally will he even look at it. It doesn't seem to bother him or affect him in any way. This is him after playtime.. his eyes were closed but he opened them at the last possible moment before the picture was taken! Arrg!


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It's a little known fact, but chinchillas have no reflection. *wishes she were a fly on the wall in countless chinchilla rooms and wonders how many people will actually check*

bahahah i love it!

for a second, i was like "seriously?..."

but yea, gizmo's cage is usually near a mirror and he'll walk by it a few times when he's out for play time. he's never really seemed to be bothered by it, sometimes he'll stare but most of the time he just wall surfs on it.
When we took Tibbit to chin Field Day in Hermiston we let him out for playtime in the Hotel bathroom and closet area. There were two mirrored closet doors, we left one door open, Tibbit definitely saw himself in the mirror and would race inside the closet to "get" that chinny!
The only mirror type toys I've seen are the bird ones with plastic. I suppose if your chin didn't chew plastic it'd be okay, but many chins would try to chew it.

And chins aren't quite the same as many birds, who will pluck feathers or hurt themselves if their brain isn't stimulated. So for chins, I don't know if there'd really be a benefit to a mirror.

Although they do like to admire themselves sometimes ;)

oh gosh that picture is so precious! and really good quality! makes me think about how badly i need a new camera since mine just broke and i cant take chinny pictures, argh! :wacko:
I have ehh had two of those little parakeet mirrors.
They don't have plastic edges but somehow Stevie broke the little chain holding it.

I take them away every week so they keep interested, it's absolutely hilarious how they kack, look, investigate.
I used to have a big one in my chin's play area, but he completely ignored it. So I guess it depends on the chin.
Mine all love to look and investigate in our full length closet door mirror. That was a very cute pic shared!
I have one of those small bird cage mirrors in Trixie's cage. She used to be pretty fascinated by it..not just ignores it. The other day, when carrying her back to her cage from play, I stepped into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. She seemed pretty taken by her reflection.
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I like to show my chins their reflections in the mirror.
At first they thought it was another chinchilla. But after the second time they've been in front of the mirror, they just ignore it or can't be bothered by it. I don't think chins have the intelligence level to the point that they have self-realization.
Haha! Marble was really funny the first time he saw himself in the bathroom mirror. He started making little noises at his reflection at first but when he got closer and it "moved" he took off in the opposite direction afraid. Now he could care less since he's used to it.
My little Zeus was in front of one until about a week ago. He did nothing ALL day except stare at himself, and sometimes he would just fall right off his ledges..poor thing :p