Minnesota Chinchilla Shows?

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Mar 17, 2011
I was wondering if there is a show or two in Minnesota?

I would like to enter Chico in one possible in the summer when she's 6 months.

And questions about shows,
...is it like a rabbit show or a horse show?
I've been to one of those where they showed roosters, hens, rabbits, horses, and cattle. (Oh.. and llamas!)
I went to one at a fair as my cousins entered rabbits (I don't have a bunny)
and they were unable to show a chinchilla...
Is it kind of like a judge goes to the cage and checks him out?
...or...? How do you really 'show' a chinchilla?
Thanks :)

By the way, i live in Polk County (MN, lol)
I don't want to have to go too far away from home.. my parents hate this kind of stuff.. :'(

Thanks a lot :D
Unfortunately there's not any shows in MN. There is one in WI though, in Barneveld, which is near Madison.
The WI show is the first Saturday of October, and always a lot of fun! You put your chin in a show cage & she's judged under the show lights with other chins of the same age range, color & gender. The judges don't touch the animals or take them out of the cage, they just pick up the entire cage to look at them.
There are no chinchilla shows in the summer. It's too hot and people won't travel with their chins when there could be worry about a/c breaking down. Show season is fall through spring.
That makes sense, I understand! I don't know much about shows, (But I would like to!) so, I thought that there would be a couple 'smaller' shows in minnesota, and I guess I didn't really think about summer & chinchillas, haha! Thanks!