milo the frisky chin

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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New member
Aug 30, 2014
I bought a new chin named milo he's 1 years old and incredibly comfortable with his new home only had him for a week and he's pop corning Laying on me flirting with the chins in the other cages. Oh and did I forget he's frisky! I have 2 girls huey and riley this is my first boy I don't have them in the same cages I don't want kits. But even without the ladies trying to flirt through the metal gates he gets it on with himself. At first I didn't know what he was doing until he hopped all around jumped on his bed and started humping away. Today he did it all day just licking and humping and looking. Then begs for attention. :dance3:he has the faintest squeaks and my girls hardly make noise unless their arguing and he'll talk all day. Idk what to think about this newbie but he's a cutie lol.


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