Metal Litter pans

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My kids have 4 feety's
Feb 1, 2009
Does anyone know if they sell metal/stainless steel litter pans? I have been using a baking pan but it doesnt have the small edge for them to use. I would love to find one. Thankee:geek::cute:
Im sorry I totally did not express myself well there. I am thinking more of the corner little pans the small ones for potty training. Thank you though : /
We have all been looking for metal litter pans with no luck. Some people use baking dishes, like pie tins, I think.
Yeah, I use the cheap metal cake pans that Wal-Mart sells and they work perfectly. Plus, they are something like $2.80 each.
I use the square shallow metal pans from Walmart. They are about 4 bucks and work great!
I used to use Pyrex brownie dishes and they work really well and actually don't look all that bad in the cage. I haven't tried a litter box with my current chin yet. They have fairly high sides so nothing gets spilled or scattered throughout the cage. Also they are fairly heavy and a chinchilla can not move it even if he jumps on and off of the edge a million times. Yeah it's that awesome lol. I need to get out more ha ha. Hope this helps anyway.
I bought a round metal pan from Wal-mart that works great as a litter pan. Even though it doesn't snug right up to the corner, I do have it placed in the corner for her to use - with great success I might add. has one with a grid in it that can come out. I have not used it but had been contemplating buying one a long time ago. Their site is confusing, look under small animal supplies and then litter pans and you get to the grooming supplies and it's on a page after the combs. I have tried linking it before but the page that I linked didn't appear. I use the taller sided glass Pyrex baking dishes, I only found them at a couple of stores, easy to clean, no chance of rust :).
I'm in the process of having my friend make some in our sheet metal shop at work. I'll post pictures when he gets it done. If it looks good, he might be willing to sell some for whoever wants.
I know this is an old thread, but I've had the same issue...looking for a corner litter pan that isn't plastic and have tried the pyrex, but they refuse to go in it?

I've also tried "cake" pans and they tip when they try to hop in and out so they won't use them either.

I have found these from K&W which appear that the bottoms come out and am about to give them a whirl if I can't find anything else. My only gripe about these ones are that they aren't a corner style like the plastic ones that have the clips to hang them on the cage. (stock number 4552)
i use a flat bottomed round metal mixing bowl (stainless steel i believe) with a fairly low side and small diameter (about 8 to 10 inches?) for Rhino, and only fill it about 1/3 full (in case he tips it over, hasn't happened yet though), and change it out completely once a day (even though i could get away with separating out the dry shavings, but too much hassle, so i just dump the whole thing). the second smallest size bag of pine shavings from petsmart lasts me almost two months this way, and the bowl is super easy to clean and very durable.

best part is, this bowl was free with a bunch of dishes i was given years ago. yay! lol.
I just switched to the pyrex glass ones but I was using small metal square cake pans from the dollar store. Once they got nasty I would toss them. But a lot of them looked nasty and my boys would toss them around znd shavings would be every where.
My sweetie is s union sheet metal worker & has made all my pans for the cage but even with the seamed edges pee still gets in the crevices. The glass is way easier to clean. If there are any clumps after dumping I just use a moist paper towel. And they can go right in the dishwasher when I'm ready to do a full clean.
I have a friend who had a few corner metal litter pans made and sold them. I bought two and they are perfect, she used the plastic ferret potty for a size model. I'm hoping she can get another batch of them because now I need another one too, lol. I am going to contact her this week and ask, so if she can get more, I'll let you know.
Last time they were $15 plus shipping, and well worth every penny.
I have a friend who had a few corner metal litter pans made and sold them. I bought two and they are perfect, she used the plastic ferret potty for a size model. I'm hoping she can get another batch of them because now I need another one too, lol. I am going to contact her this week and ask, so if she can get more, I'll let you know.
Last time they were $15 plus shipping, and well worth every penny.

Please let me know if she's interested in selling them, I'm looking for a minimum of 2.
Misty, did you ever find out if they were doing more of those pans? I'd be in for 4 if possible.

Dawn, I was thinking of getting a square pan for my guys right now and drilling a hole in it to attach it to the cage so that they couldn't toss it or when they jump on the side it won't tip over due to weight.

However, the only square ones I found are "non-stick". They have a round aluminium pan only, but the square might fit better. Are they all okay and safe?
I have the ones that Kara mentioned. I bought 3 or 4 I believe. When I went to strictly fleece liners on all of my cages I had to eliminate the shavings as it was really hard to get them off the fleece in order for me to wash the liners. They are corner metal pans and worked great. I don't need them anymore. I know I stored them in a box but my husband must have moved it to the crawl space.

if you went to all fleece, where do all your chinnies pee? on the fleece & you just wash them more often?? do you find it to be more work? or just better on your washer?

i hear ya about the shavings. i have to take mine outside just to get it all off plus the hay!
I change liners every day for the cage that has the 3 boys. The cages that hold the single chins, I change liners every other day. It's SO much easier to shake off the liners and not have anything to literaly pluck off before putting it in the wash and the liners still look pretty clean. I do liner laundry twice a week. And yes, they pee on the fleece but when changed out quickly there really isn't much that I can see. I don't even think about it anymore, it's automatic and I just open the cage and pull up the liner, shake off and place it in the "chin" laundry bin :D.
What do you use to wash the liners? Sometime like ALL dye free, scent free? Probably not Dreft, huh? That stuff has quite a smell to it. How many liners do you have? I've recently purchased 3 but am wondering if I should get more (Brittany would kill me, lol).