Mental Health Project

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I test + for CHINITIS!
Jan 31, 2009
I have to do a project in a mental health class I'm taking. I have to give a presentation on ADHD. The catch is that while I'm describing the signs, symptoms, and treatment of ADHD, I also have to act as if I have the disorder. I'm not a very good actress and i'm hoping to get some ideas from you. I don't want to make fun of the disorder, but I don't want to be boring either. Any ideas you have would be helpful and i'd appreciate it!
my son has adhd and i can tell you the main things he displays are super high energy inability to pay attention, and he is unable to stay on task.

in school he is reported to often stare off into space when he is supposed to be doing work, fiddles with stuff in front of him and does not tire easily during gym, recess or any sports!

he is on an extremely low dose of medication. and he just started this year, he is 10. i have struggled with the decision since kindergarden but this year it is affecting his academics way too much. his meds need to be adjusted but it is so close to the end of the school year that i am going to wait until september. he does not take medicine on weekends, days off, or the summer. the main word i use over and over and over again when speaking to him is: FOCUS!
I'd say start your presentation wonderfully, then pull your phone out and start playing a very intense game of Tetris.
My friend has it, I'd say fiddle with things, and I've noticed she talks REALLY fast (but she takes medicine which really does help her) GOOD LUCK!
halfway through random sentences, just stop talking and stare at a distant wall for a few seconds.

tap your fingers to a disjointed beat on whatever surface you have nearby.

fiddle with your hair/earrings/clothing a lot.

have your papers you are reading from disorganized on purpose. read the intro, then go to whatever might come third or fourth, then go back to second, then skip to six..... you get the idea, lol.

say 'um' often!
My son also has ADHD.
While at school he will poke his friends next to him. Drop things so he can get up. He also chews on his shirt, or his lanyard string that goes on his glasses. And when the teacher says ok get ready to put your pencils down he will then rush thru the work in a few seconds. Getting the answers wrong because he went so fast
My school teacher cousin describe dealing with ADHD students of hers to us once and I think she nailed it perfectly. She said someone with ADHD can spill their milk, have a herd of elephants walking in front of them, listen the fire alarm go off, but stare out the window at the moving van across the street. My son was diagnosed with this but I personally never saw any issues with him other than his lack of interest in school and school work. At home he was attentive and mindful and not aggressive. The only thing he didn't do was zip up his coat or wear a hat and mittens when walking home from school.
It just struck me that you'll want to make sure you're pretty accurate. There are a lot of good ideas here and, I'm certain, more to come.Be selective and make sure you don't go overboard with all the ideas and create a caricature. There's a pretty good chance that someone in your class has ADHD and you don't want to be offensive in your creativity.
It just struck me that you'll want to make sure you're pretty accurate. There are a lot of good ideas here and, I'm certain, more to come.Be selective and make sure you don't go overboard with all the ideas and create a caricature. There's a pretty good chance that someone in your class has ADHD and you don't want to be offensive in your creativity.

Very true... everyone in the class has a different mental health issue to do. There's going to be Autistic, Schizophrenic, Borderline, Antisocial, Histronic, Depressed, etc students. I hope everyone comes to class with an open mind on the day we have to present these.

Thanks to everyone who has given me ideas so far. Keep them coming!!