Mel Gibson why are you doing this me?

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
I've been with you from day one Mel. When you were in Tim and Gallipoli--long before Mad Max and Lethal Weapon and BRAVEHEART! I loved that you were Australian, loved how funny you were in Lethal Weapon, loved that you seemed to love your wife so much and have a bunch of kids and still stay grounded.

What the french happened Mel? You're drinking, swearing, cussing out the Jewish and now you're using the "n" word and supposedly beating on your ex girlfriend?

It was bad enough Mel, that you, the super devout Catholic man you are, got divorced--then shacked up with the woman half your age and had a baby with her!

I'm pretty disgusted Mel and that saddens me because Braveheart is one of my most favorite movies ever. I seriously don't know that I will ever see another of your movies, I don't want to further the career of a man who seems not to deserve it.
He lost me when he started cussing out Jews. I'm very ANTI Mel.
Cindy, I learned today William Morris dumped him. How can you be so wrong about someone? I guess he really is a good actor, because I really thought he was a decent guy :(
He's a great actor--I love a bunch of his movies. He's just a crazy, crazy buttface. It happens, I guess.

The fact is you really can't know anybody through the media. They make it seem like you know them, because that's what brings you to their movies or concerts or whatever but no one really knows them except for their friends they talk to and spend time with.

I'm sorry Mel dissapointed you, Laurie. Do you want me to beat him up for you?
Wow that was pretty sick. But I'm also GLAD its posted online for the whole world to hear. Shame on him. I don't feel a bit sorry for him. What a donkey.
We have to remember that the actor we see on tv isn't really the same person in life...I think we fall in love with the characters these actors and actresses play, and forget that they are really only acting, and can be a total screw up in life. I've always liked Mel Gibson in all the movies he has been in, but his personal life seems to be totally screwed up. I think he is like a lot of other actors who get caught up in a lifestyle, get an ego that skyrockets out of control, and then end up in a mess of a life. I can think of quite a few actors/actresses right now who really need help. Poor Mel has screwed up his life and his acting career...but can he fix it? Maybe he can act his way out of this mess!
I have to say Laurie that you take to many things these "famous" people do to heart ;). Guess that's what makes you cute!
Jenn you are so right. This reminds me of years and years ago in the WWF (back before they lost their lawsuite against the World Wildlife Foundation) when Owen Hart fell from the ceiling on the ring while flying down as the Blue Blazer. Owen died. In the wrestling world he was known as a heel--a bad guy. He got boo'd a lot and wasn't well liked by the fans. What followed from that tragic event was other WWF Superstars talking about how much they loved Owen and what a great family man he was and just how wonderful and fabulous he was. I will never, ever forget the image of super huge Mark Henry standing with the rest of the Wrestling family in a tribute to Owen with tears streaming down his face.

I didn't like Owen because he was a heel--and I was ashamed of myself, because at first my thought was, Owen Hart died--oh well. And I felt this way because he was a bad guy in the make believe world of wrestling.

I guess just as easily as being type cast to always be a bad, creepy guy like Christopher Walken or Christopher Lee--sometimes the people we think as really good and sweet and trust worthy because of the characters they play like James Stacey, Pee Wee Herman
OJ Simpson and now Mel Gibson, are in reality not the sweet, innocent, heroic characters they play.
I think we spend a lot of time and energy idolizing these celebrities. We decide in our minds who they really are. Our vision of them is usually of a "perfect" person. In reality, of course, they are just people. I feel sorry for Mel Gibson. He has struggled with alcoholism for many years, and it's obviously had some terrible effects on his life.
He has a lot of ground to make up, and I think his fan base is the least of that. He has damaged his relationship with his (now ex) wife, who stuck with him for so many years, and with his kids. Hopefully, he'll find a way to get himself some help and start repairing the damage he's allowed his disease to do.
I think Mel might just have a drinking problem. He may have been (and still be) a decent man but sometimes when alcohol takes over someone's life, they become a different person.
All I can think is man, where can I get one of those phones?? I've never heard a call that clear. I've rarely even been in a room so quiet I can hear another person so clear. Is there a special celebrity phone service? Where do I sign up?

Serious! (Or are they staged?)
Now they have fired him from a small role in the sequel to the Hangover 2 because the cast absolutely hated and refused to work with him, it's sad what happened with him.