I heart Leonard
I've been with you from day one Mel. When you were in Tim and Gallipoli--long before Mad Max and Lethal Weapon and BRAVEHEART! I loved that you were Australian, loved how funny you were in Lethal Weapon, loved that you seemed to love your wife so much and have a bunch of kids and still stay grounded.
What the french happened Mel? You're drinking, swearing, cussing out the Jewish and now you're using the "n" word and supposedly beating on your ex girlfriend?
It was bad enough Mel, that you, the super devout Catholic man you are, got divorced--then shacked up with the woman half your age and had a baby with her!
I'm pretty disgusted Mel and that saddens me because Braveheart is one of my most favorite movies ever. I seriously don't know that I will ever see another of your movies, I don't want to further the career of a man who seems not to deserve it.
What the french happened Mel? You're drinking, swearing, cussing out the Jewish and now you're using the "n" word and supposedly beating on your ex girlfriend?
It was bad enough Mel, that you, the super devout Catholic man you are, got divorced--then shacked up with the woman half your age and had a baby with her!
I'm pretty disgusted Mel and that saddens me because Braveheart is one of my most favorite movies ever. I seriously don't know that I will ever see another of your movies, I don't want to further the career of a man who seems not to deserve it.