Meet Reggie

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So, I'm doggy-sitting for someone for a couple of weeks and thought I'd introduce him to everyone...he may end up staying with me permanently! Long story short...I was supposed to keep him for a week, which is turning into 2 weeks. The owner told me today that if I couldn't keep him beyond the 2 weeks then to DROP HIM OFF AT THE ANIMAL SHELTER!!!! Can you friggin believe that?!?!?!? The worst part is that the animal shelter IS a kill shelter! I just can't do that...I couldn't do that to ANY animal! So, Reggie may turn into a permanent family member!

Reggie is 7-8 months old and he's a Pitt Bull/Great Dane mix. He's the sweetest puppy and has been my "shadow" ever since he's been with me...follows me everywhere I go! Anyway, here are a few pics...

He LOVES this duck!


Sad face...

Chomping on his bone...

He is very cute! Sounds like he'll be a big guy when he's fully grown!

Yes he's a cutie! He's already 48 lbs. at 8 months old...and he is VERY strong!! I was sitting on the couch this morning minding my own business watching TV and he jumped up on the couch with his duck wanting me to play tug-o-war with him...I played for a few minutes, then quit and he nudged me OFF THE COUCH!! I'm not a small person either...5'10" and about 145 lbs. He sure did...shoved me right on the floor :laughitup:
Haha! Well I suggest if you're going to keep him to teach him some manners when he's young so that he doesn't get to be full grown and want to push you off!
When I worked at a boarding kennel we had a great dane who always came in named Caesar. Well when it came time to let him out to go to the bathroom I had to put a leash on him or else he would never go outside, he'd just run circles around the kennels, and man did he pull on that leash! Seeing as he was so big he could easily pull me along lol! Was a great dog though. I worked there for over a year and by the time that I left he was much calmer and such a great dog. I'd get one if I had room!
What a handsome guy! I can tell by looking at him that he would be a keeper! I'm not sure why his owner wants to get rid of him, but I'd have a hard time letting him go! At 8 months, I don't think he is going to get much bigger...? I think my dobie only gained about another 10 pounds after 7 months. He is 2 years old now and about 80 pounds and very energetic. Bigger dogs are fun to play with, although we took ours for obedience training so he could be handled easily when we're out and about with him.
I know Lila kept growing, she's about a year and half now, and I know that I had thought she was done growing but at the last visit (when she was around 1 yr) she had gained 10 pounds. And it's not in weight from eating either as she is a lean dog.

Especially with the great dane being such a large breed, I would imagine it takes them longer to get to full size as well. From what I've read it can take up to a year and half or so depending on the dog to reach full size. Of course being a mix it'd be hard to tell for sure though.
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He does pretty good overall with listening. He'll sit, give "five", lay down, roll over, and "dance" (he walks in circles) following your finger in a circular motion. He doesn't beg for food when we are eating, actually as soon as he see's that we are eating he will go into another room and lay down. He's not very good on a leash though so we're working on that. IMO he's too can see his rib cage, but that's probably from the stress of his owner leaving him. I feel so bad for him! I think he worries that when I leave I'm not coming back for him, so I've been taking him places with me so he'll learn to trust me a bit more.

I've also been putting him in my bedroom a couple of times each day for short periods of time so he gets used to being left alone and so he learns that I am leaving him, but I'm coming back. He's becoming more and more comfortable and he absolutely adores my sons!!
Sounds like he's off to a good start!

It's hard to tell, but from that first picture he doesn't look too skinny. You want to see some definition around the rib area and should be able to feel them but they obviously shouldn't protrude or anything. Many people's dogs are actually overweight now a days. When I first got Lila I thought she was too skinny too, but from the people I talked to, they said she'd fill out and she has grown into it more, but you can still feel her ribs, but she's not too skinny.
I don't understand how the owner could just dump off such a cutie! You're doing a wonderful thing, taking care of him like that! :)
I don't understand how the owner could just dump off such a cutie! You're doing a wonderful thing, taking care of him like that! :)

I don't understand people like that...and it makes me so MAD that people look at animals as "disposable" things :shocked:
Wow. Some people are such butt heads. He's a super nice looking boy. I'm sure he finds great comfort living with you. Start watching the Dog Whisperer show. His teachings have worked on my neighbors dog. I actually used them on "Fritz" as he is annoying about his toys during conversations outdoors. He barks and barks and brings his damned toy. He won't be quiet. So I make him sit and be quiet. Then I throw the toy. I also fake him out and pretend to throw it. This is to make him sit still and wait while being quiet. Works like a charm!! I was amazed how it worked. Your boy needs you to be the "alpha" dog. I don't even have a dog and Fritz obeys me as the alpha. His owner Amanda says she just gives in. I told her she has to be the boss of the pack. So no more shoving off the sofa ;)
Wow. Some people are such butt heads. He's a super nice looking boy. I'm sure he finds great comfort living with you. Start watching the Dog Whisperer show. His teachings have worked on my neighbors dog. I actually used them on "Fritz" as he is annoying about his toys during conversations outdoors. He barks and barks and brings his damned toy. He won't be quiet. So I make him sit and be quiet. Then I throw the toy. I also fake him out and pretend to throw it. This is to make him sit still and wait while being quiet. Works like a charm!! I was amazed how it worked. Your boy needs you to be the "alpha" dog. I don't even have a dog and Fritz obeys me as the alpha. His owner Amanda says she just gives in. I told her she has to be the boss of the pack. So no more shoving off the sofa ;)

Yes Alex, ALOT of people are butt heads!! I was quite shocked when he shoved me off the couch...he's VERY strong! After he did it I corrected him and he hasn't done it since. I was a little worried about him getting rough with TJ (because TJ is such a skinny minny), but he's very gentle with him. I've been reading online about different training techniques and he seems to be doing well with it. I think he's learning that "I" am the "BOSS", not him LOL.

I don't know alot about the "Pit Bull" breed, only what I've heard...which has turned out to be WRONG! I'm doing alot of research and that along with this whole experience with him has totally put his breed in a new light. People hear "Pit Bull" and the first thing that comes to mind is 'violent' or 'locking jaws', etc. (I was one of those people that thought that way too). Reggie is such a sweet boy and a big ole cuddle bum...I just can't fathom him being a 'violent' dog. I think it's all in how they're treated and raised by their humans.

He will be very loved here and totally spoiled just like my other furry kids!! When I give the chins a Rosehip or some oats he has to have some's just too cute! He sees me get the chin treats out and immediately sits and tries to give me "five" :laughitup: I'm really enjoying him!!
At 8 months, I don't think he is going to get much bigger...?

If he's really got Dane in him, he's probably got alot of growing to do. We got our English Mastiff when he was 1 1/2 years old, he was 130 pounds. He grew until just after his 3rd birthday, he's now almost 200 pounds. Large breeds like mastiffs and danes are slow growers. I don't really see the dane in this boy, he looks very pitt bull to me so maybe he'll stay smaller, he's adorable. Congrats on the new addition!

edit to add: Pitt bulls and pit bull mixes are wonderful dogs! I lost my beloved dog to osteosarcoma last year, he was a pitt bull/ mastiff mix and the best dog ever. Since your boy had a "large breed" mix in him, make sure you do some research on osteosarcoma (bone cancer). Large breeds are more pron to it. It's worth knowing all you can for when they get older.
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Very adorable boy! I agree with not seeing the dane. His paws aren't even that big, they're proportional to his body as it is, it looks like. That's one long tail though! Haha

With him getting worried about you leaving, I'd try to crate train him. Taking him with you isn't going to help the matter, really. He's going to think every time you go somewhere, he gets to go, and then when he gets left behind, he may get destructive.

And yeah, pits really aren't the big meanies everyone makes them out to be. We've got one here, Megan has one. There's a bunch of us who have pits. Haha
Beautiful dog, Tabitha his gorgeous dark chocolate coat!

He doesn't look Dane to me either ..but just in case he does have a big breed mix going on, be careful about his diet and growing him up too fast ...and of course, the osteosarcoma thing is a serious concern.

He's beautiful ..I hope you can find a way to keep him! :thumbsup: