Meet Norman

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Feb 4, 2009
I went to get food for my chinchillas yesterday and of course, I came home with another chinchilla. Normally I name all the chins, I might take a few suggestions but Tyson named this one. Since my ebony line goes along with the horror films, he got named Norman Bates. :D He's a sweetie and just gorgeous. He was bred by the Millers before they sold out and took GSC at an Oklahoma show, I plan on looking up which show when I have the time. I was also told that he is an awesome producer and his kits turn out pretty. Anyways, here is Norman!


"You...smell funny..."


"Maybe if I sneak out this way..."
Aww, thanks for picking up an eb boy for me Tab. I'm sure we can find a railroad for him to Indy. :))

He is gorgeous, and I love his name!
Aww, thanks for picking up an eb boy for me Tab. I'm sure we can find a railroad for him to Indy. :))


His ladies would be disappointed. Tried him with the two girls I got him for last night and they all started grooming, chirping and cuddling immediately. They're all so fat though...I don't know how they'll ever make babies!
aww, Norman doesn't suit him at all, there is nothing creepy about him! He's so cute and sweet, and I'm sure he doesn't play with knives!

Chinnie hoarder!!! He is handsome. Give Norman a big kiss for me.
I love Norman, and honestly, I think the name suits him! Its a cute name to go with his cute face! Congrats on the little bundle of fuzzie goodness! :)
Is thinking of ways to re-route that railroad to my house! :p
He's beautiful Tab :D!

Well Sandi you do have to pass through IL on your way to Indy, just set up a road block ;-) Very cute Tab, congrats!