Meet Jett!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
My mom brought home her new chin tonight, an 8 week old kit named Jett. I believe he is a medium ebony? At least according to the person my mom got him from.


He's a cutie! It's hard to tell with the flash but he looks like a light/medium ebony :)
I'll try getting better pictures in the sunlight tomorrow :)

It's a very different color than my own chins. The ebony are beautiful.

I have three pink-whites and a beige of my own :)

We are going to put his shelves in his cage tomorrow, when my dad finishes making them.
Eeee I love my ebony (mines a dark eb) and her twin, white ebony mosaic... They hold a soft spot for me!
I've always wanted to add a Black or brown velvet to my crew but I'm not 'allowed' to get more lol! Congrats on the new cutie!!
He really is a cutie! Although now my mom owes me chinchilla toys! She took alot of my extras for Jett!



He adores his lava ledge perch, which I technically bought for my girls :p

And she took the last of my pink/ purple hanging toys for my girls as well.

Technically I supplied everything but the chinchilla!
Thanks everyone! My mom is of course playing favorites. Her chin is the cutest apparently :p

I can also con her into buying chinchilla supplies now! Well, not really, but she is paying for my next toy order ;)

We will count it even, after all of the supplies I gave her ^^

Jett's cage:


My mom added a wooden hut and an extra perch. :)