Meet baby Ivory (don't you dare Laurie)

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non-stop poop sweeper
Jan 29, 2009
Chicago suburb
This is Ivory, who has a huge FN all to himself for now, he is also baby Lisa chin's brother. Can you tell he likes his fleece tunnel. Cage is nowhere near done just wanted to introduce him.





AW Baby J is cute as heck! I love his squiggel bridge! I think I have to get one for baby Lisa chin!

I got to snuggle with Ivory or Baby J as I call him and he LOVED snuggling with his Auntie Laurie!!!
Thank you, he is such a doll, when he's curled up in his tube he looks like a fluffy cottonball! Laurie, it's ok for you to call him baby J ;)
He's a cutie!

I'm going to call him Ishkabibble. Why should Laurie get all the naming fun, huh???
Hmm, Ivory Ishkabibble Baby J**** Salazar Schulist, yep that would be the typical amount of names on a birth certificate from my side of the family. :p
Ohhhh he is too cute for words! Congrats, he's a cutie pie! Great pictures :)
Thanks everybody! :)) This little guy is such a spitfire! Either he is sleeping in his tube or the train or he is on speed. The flying chin is what we call him here. Oh and Kristy, we can't wait for his half brother to come home :D! Here is another cutie pie pic I took of him the other day -