medical advise/insight for UTI problem

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Jan 31, 2009
santa barbara
So I got my first UTI about 7 months ago. Had very bad burning and blood in my urine. Went to the Dr. and all was well in a few days.

Today I was at home cleaning and all of a sudden I felt almost lightheaded, had a sudden urge to pee and when I did it burnt slightly but there was a lot of blood (not dangerously a lot but more than last time). I am not a fan of Dr.'s and do not really have the time or money to run off to go see one (I don't have med. insurance) so I was reading up on some home remedies.

I have downed 2 (will be three in about 2 gulps) liters of water and put a little over a teaspoon of baking powder in the first one. Two hours later and there is no burning or blood. Is it really that easy?

I have had issues with gallstones in the past, and I know that an untreated UTI can lead to kidney infections and was wondering if I am at a higher risk of something due to my gallstone issues.

I plan on avoiding spicy foods and keeping up with the water and cranberry juice (works kinda well seeing as I'm fasting next week) but was hoping for some insight from someone. I know there are a few nurses etc. on here or even people that have also had UTI's would be helpful.
I absolutely, 100% do NOT recommend a home treatment for a UTI.

I have chronic and acute urinary tract infections along with a chronic illness associated with my bladder, urinary tract, and my kidneys. My last UTI found me admitted to the hospital for the "big gun" antibiotics since the normally prescribed oral medications would not kick the infection. I have had urinary tract infections since I was very young and my experience has proven that it is never wise to self-treat. UTI's can be both simple and complex at once and there are many other illnesses and infections that present like urinary tract infections -- that alone should have you at the very least calling your doctor in the morning.

While you are doing many things right, treating your UTI at home is not a good idea. For one, you have no way of knowing whether or not what you're experiencing is a UTI or something more sinister. Bladder infections can quickly become kidney infections and from there the infection can affect your kidney function as well as other body systems. And there is the risk of septicemia where your blood becomes infected due to the untreated infection in your upper urinary tract. UTI's can affect cognitive ability and can present with other symptoms such as fever, chills, abdominal, pelvic, or flank pain, and the like. And since so many of these symptoms can be caused by other issues, it's not wise to wait to see a doctor. A quick urinalysis as well as some blood work should be the first line of defense. And while it's a hassle and an inconvenience -- financial and otherwise -- there really is no magic fix and can quickly turn into something that requires much more time, effort, and money.

If you absolutely cannot go to the doctor this evening and feel like you can wait until morning to speak with your doctor, then continuing on as you are should be okay. However, since your experiencing quite a bit of blood in your urine, I would seriously consider going to an urgent care or the hospital this evening in case it is something more serious than a simple UTI. If you are not willing to do that, then please call your doctor first thing in the morning. In the meantime you can continue pushing fluids and using tylenol or ibuprofin as needed for pain. If you begin having fever, chills, nausea, flank or back pain, or experience a heavier flow of blood, then you need to make a phone call at the very least tonight -- preferably take a trip to the ER.

I know how difficult not having insurance can be as I'm in the same boat (and facing some serious health issues), but there really is no choice in some situations. Being in debt sure beats being dead...

I hope you start feeling better, but even if your symptoms are gone, I'd still strongly recommend calling your doctor (or any doctor) in the morning. UTI's are bacterial infections and 9 times out of 10 they're not going to be treated by an "old wive's tale." I know how terrible UTI's can be and I wish you only the best...but I also hope you take care of yourself.

ETA: Kidney stones are not the same as a kidney infection or urinary tract infection and while they can occur concurrently, they are often the cause for an infection rather than an effect of one. That being said, they would still require a doctor to diagnose and possibly medication to assist in passing them (though I'll let someone else speak to this as I don't have a tremendous amount of personal experience with kidney stones). Either way, though, the same holds true...go to the doctor and get well soon!
Don't ignore a UTI. I developed symptoms on a Sunday morning, and tried to ignore it and simply drink lots of water and cranberry juice. By Monday night, I was begging for a doctor, which is highly unlike me. After testing my urine, the doctor put me on 2 teaspoons of penicillin four times daily for 2 weeks. He said I wasn't far away from a full-blown kidney infection and a hospital stay - they can escalate that fast.
UTIs are not something that are safe to treat at home, just like you wouldn't skip the doctor for pneumonia (which is another very well known type of bacterial infection that can also kill people). You need to see an MD, LPN, OB, etc., but in the mean time, keep downing the water. Staying hydrated and flushing your system can't hurt until you can get to a doctor.

Family Planning or a Women's Clinic might be able to help you based on a sliding scale and save you the fuss of an urgent care facility. If the pain gets too bad, AZO makes an OTC version of the pain reliever Pyridium. It's a little expensive, but will make relieving yourself a bit more bearable... until the doctor can give you something more. Just don't wear white/your favorite undies; it stains like nothing else I've seen.
Thanks for the quick input. I am planning on calling Planned Parenthood (where I went for my last one) and see if they can get me in tomorrow...which is really the only day I have until Monday...

*sigh* I knew it wasn't that easy...:unsure:
Goldenseal root and Uva Ursi are both used to cure a UTI without using antibiotics. I can't remember the dose though unfortunately, but a naturopath or herbalist should be able to tell you.