Mazuri in Bulk

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
I checked with my local pet store today (who does not carry Mazuri) and just by chance asked if they could order it for me. They gave me a price of $29.00 for a 25 lb bag. That's good right?? I have 2 chins, is that too much?? Can it go bad after a certain time. Was going to put it in a big plastic container. This is a big step for me becaue I WAS spending 9.00 for 2.5 lb bag from petsmart until a month ago when I bought from someone here!
$29 for a 25lb bag is a huge rip off compared to how much I can get it for at the feed stores here. I get it for almost half that price.
But if that's what the going rate is over there, then that's better than buying at the pet store and it most likely will be fresher too with them ordering it for you.
I pay $17 for a 25lb bag at a local feed store. Go to and locate a dealer near you. If they don't already have it in stock I am sure they could order it for you.
Thanks!! I will call the two local dealers by me and see if they sell it and compare prices versus my local pet store. It seems in NJ everything is more expensive than other parts of the country.
I too also went online to Purina and found a local feed store. They order it for me. $16.00 for 25 pounds. They had no idea what the heck I was asking for in the beginning. Now they know me as a regular customer. I still have to call for the order. If you have to order it make sure you don't run low between bags. Sometimes it could take a week because I missed their order dead line for freight shipments.
With only 2 chins, wouldn't it be cheaper to order a flat rate box from someone on here?
Freshness counts, and I know when I switched from Mazuri to PANR, my whole herd increased 10-15% in weight, and seemed happier! Then went to Tradition and they kept the weight on!
I called my local feed shop and they have 25lb bags for $16 dollars! I'm so excited.

The shipping for a flat rate box is at least 10 dollars and I think you can only fit 13 pounds, so it would be at least 23 for 13 pounds.
My one chin does not like the PANR but the other does, so I mix a bit in since he needs to gain a little weight. If I feel that it is sitting around too long, I could always donate it.
I think Mt. Zion chins is pretty close to me and I am sure she could use some food! :)