Massively pregnant female in labour

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My Marilyn is very clearly in labour, but previously all of my chins have been fairly quiet during labour - this time around she is being very loud! it's not been terribly long and i can see very strong contractions (that's when all of the squealing starts) that are steadily getting closer together. She's being very active and restless between contractions, even attempting to eat and drink, though she's quickly destracted from that.

It's only concering for me because she sounds almost like she's fighting with another chin, and she's occasionally chattered her teeth... just a little worried.
Have you checked under her tail? Make sure there isn't a tail or a hind foot sticking out. Is this her first litter?

It might just be her way of littering.

How long has she been in visible labor?
She's been in visible labour since about 10am - so, it's about 2 hours now. but as i said the labour does seem to be progressing. i have checked her, twice, and there's nothing visible, though there is a little crusting of blood at her opening, though i've not noticed any blood in the cage (she's in a birthing cage, seperated from her mate and it's lined with blue fleece, so i'm sure i'd see anything)

she has had a single kit before, healthy and happy, of which i was not present for so you could be right
I'd just let her go then. I've had girls in labor for over 12 hours before anything happened. If there are no kits half out or excessive bleeding I'd just keep an eye on her. Probably just a hard labor.

Good luck, keep us updated!
Thank you very much, i'm trying not to stress, but I think i'm making it worse for myself by doing too much research - there are so many different opinions out there! i've been reading that labour should never exceed 2 hours, and almost all of my ladies have gone beyond that and had happy little balls of joy, so clearly it's always different...
Hmmm. My c-section girl was in labor for about a day and a half before she had the c-section and she still had one live kit in there.

Just like people it can vary. The best thing you can probably do is just leave her alone for about an hour then check again. Watching her might stress her more. If the squealing labor continues for another couple hours then you might want to check her to make sure there is not a kit stuck. I've been told that using some J Lube ( ob lube ) to slicken up the vagina can help, I've never used this method, but it was told to me by a rancher.
I'm sorry to say that Marilyn was delivered of an underdeveloped still born only 10 minutes to go, on top of that it was a breach, and so i had to help. I can only hope that if there are any others to come they are not so unfortunate.
That's a tough break. Glad she got it out okay at least! Please let us know if she has more. I usually gently palpate so I know if I should keep watching or leave them alone.
Thank you everyone - she had a second highly undeveloped kit, so much so that i thought it was the afterbirth. We are taking her to the vet tomorrow as she is in no destress now, and quite happily eating though she's still walking a little oddly. I have decided to retire her from breeding. i don't want to seperate her from hermes so i'll be looking into getting him neutered though i've heard it's risky. I only breed for the joy of breeding and to supply my boyfriends hollistic pet store with some wonderful pets - and even at that his standards have been a little too high to let any of them leave the store and his care yet ^.^ I don't want to put her under any more stress for my own purposes even if she is well enough to safely breed again.