MASSIVE furslip.

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aka. Chinnie Kisses.
Jan 30, 2009
Malaga, Spain
What happened? Kennels for one week....No clue..Wasn't told anything. I am thinking Macy got out when they transferred him to another cage (Did so because it was bigger than the one he was in) and he got out accidently and was chased about a bit. Poooooor guy.

Had me so confused as to what this defined line across his back was (I thought it was furslip at first but then didn't think so)

SO, lastnight I took him to see and.........heres what I found.

Had me so confused.....ClaireD, eroomlorac and Sugarmama all helped me! Thanks guys.
I didn't know a chin could slip such a big wad of fur!! How does that happen anyway?
It happens when they are scared, they drop the fur as a way to hopefully get the predator (or human) lol away. It is a defense mechanism.
It happens when they are scared, they drop the fur as a way to hopefully get the predator (or human) lol away. It is a defense mechanism.

Yeah, I know WHY they fur-slip, but I've never seen THAT MUCH of a fur-slip. He must have totally traumatized by those people :(
wow and I thought my 2 quarter size 'naked' spot by the tail (both sides) when I was rough grooming for a show was bad WOW again - good thing it will grow back
This may be a silly question, but I have never seen a fur slip before and was wondering if the top picture is what it looks like and then the bottom picture is just you spreading his fur? Or did it go from the top pic at first and just look like a line and then went to the larger patch? Sorry so many questions I have just never seen it and I always read about it on this group.
That was the same day that I took the pictures. Chinchillas have sooo much fur he could have went on like that without me knowing there was a bald patch in there. I just took him out to have a closer look at that mysterious looking line across his back...So yes, that was just me spreading his fur out.

Normally furslip isn't as bad as that...Thats why I had mistaken it for something else!
It light of the situation, it looks like he has the Nike check emblem across his back! Maybe he can be a Nike spokes-chin :D
Poor boy! That is a very impressive slip.

The same thing happened to me over Easter. I left Petra and Nyx home with my roommates and while one of them was attempting to get petra back in her cage I guess he grabbed her wrong and she sliped an inch and a half line ontop of her left leg. They thought that I wouldn't notice and so weren't going to tell me. Boy Howdy were they wrong! And thusly did the grumpy begin.
It looks like they might have tried to "scruff" him like a cat. Got a big old hand full of fur and tugged.

Poor bald guy! He'll be back to his normal fluffy self in no time. :)