aka. Chinnie Kisses.
What happened? Kennels for one week....No clue..Wasn't told anything. I am thinking Macy got out when they transferred him to another cage (Did so because it was bigger than the one he was in) and he got out accidently and was chased about a bit. Poooooor guy.
Had me so confused as to what this defined line across his back was (I thought it was furslip at first but then didn't think so)
SO, lastnight I took him to see and.........heres what I found.
Had me so confused.....ClaireD, eroomlorac and Sugarmama all helped me! Thanks guys.
Had me so confused as to what this defined line across his back was (I thought it was furslip at first but then didn't think so)
SO, lastnight I took him to see and.........heres what I found.
Had me so confused.....ClaireD, eroomlorac and Sugarmama all helped me! Thanks guys.