@ TrioOfFluff. Thanks for the advice I'll take the cuttle bone out and maybe just offer it to him once a week or so. I didn't realise they weren't allowed to have them 24/7. As for the pine cone I'm pretty sure all the sap is gone since I got this cone with Marty from the breeder, it looks really dried out but he's not much of a fan of it anyway. As for the paper, that's newspaper in his litter box and the paper is secured underneath a metal grating which I got from the levels that his old cage came with. He can't really get to the paper very easily and I don't think he will want to since there is always a few spots of pee on it.
@ Dayofhope I brought the metal part of the cage from a auction site in New Zealand for $70 and then spent about $10-$15 on untreated boxing wood. To secure the wood to the cage I spent maybe $15 on screws and washers. I used large 1/4" washers and reasonably long screws. The bridge and bendy house in his cage are made from apple tree wood which I cut myself from our back yard, I just drilled 2 holes in each piece of wood and ran wire through to make the structure. I got a massive roll pf wire from the hardware store for about $10 and I've got a heap left over which I've been making hanging toys with out of more apple, pear wood, egg cartons and toilet rolls stuffed with hay.