I adopted a standard grey female chin back in January from guy who did not want her. Already having 2 chinchillas myself, I could not help but take her in. Well, this past Tuesday (March 20th) I woke up to two extra fur balls in the cage with her! I had asked the guy I got her from specifically if he knew if she was pregnant or not, but of course he said he didn't know. I did tons of reading and research to know what to look for in the new babies (good signs, bad signs, etc.) and have been weighing them each day. The babies are doing great, but this evening I picked up Peach (the mom) to see how the swelling was in her private parts. I lift her tail and blood was on my hand that I was holding her with. It wasn't a ton of blood, but still alarmed me because she had not been bleeding for the previous two days after the birth (at least that I know of). I can't seem to find much information on how long it is normal (or if it even is normal at all) for female chins to have any kind of bloody discharge in the days following a birth. There is no blood anywhere in the cage, like I said, it wasn't much blood but still caught me off guard. What do I do? Has anyone seen this before?