Mix the CC like the package says. I normally mix it, let it absorb the water, and then add a tad bit more water to make it into a little thinner-than-pudding consistancy so I can syringe it. When I handfeed CC to an adult chinchilla, I normally do about 15-20 cc per feeding, every 4-6 hours depending on if I'm just supplementing or if the chinchilla is completely off feed.
The probiotics and motility drug, metaclopramide will be very helpful as well.
I would not do the vegetable baby food. CC was formulated especially for ailing herbivores who need the extra nutrition... I would stick with that.
When you move her to the smaller cage, I would also put paper towels on the bottom so that you can see how much she is pooping and peeing.
ETA: One of my chins has teeth which need filing to correct the occlusion angle and to prevent further root elongation and after her filings, she normally loses her appetite for a couple days, just eating a bit of pellets. Luckily, she likes the CC and will take it like candy. Generally she heals quickly though and with the Metacam, she doesn't seem like she is in too much pain, although she avoids chewing hay until she feels better... I normally feed the CC until she starts eating hay again in addition to her pellets.