Male VS Female

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2009
Lynnwood, WA
I was wondering if I could get some input on the pros/cons of owning male VS female chins?
From my personal experience....I had a male alone for my first chin. He was rather friendly a little skittish but ok for the most part. I now have a male and female pair. The male is calmer than the female. The female is much more active than the male. I don't know that one is better than the other as I have never had a female alone but the 2 males that I have had have been much calmer than the female I have.
As far as personality goes I think each chin is unique like a human regardless of gender. Although in general my males have been more chill and my females have had more attitude. If you are looking to buy ask the seller lots of questions about the personalities of the animals, or see if you can go visit and spend some time before deciding which to buy. Although they'll probably be timid around a stranger at first.
Ditto what Brittany said. I have 2 males and 4 females at the moment. Of them all, I can only really hold one of my males, but I'm hoping that as my newest girl gets older, she'll be calmer and friendlier....
I always tell pet owners that come here or are writing to me to ask for advice, don't look for a male or a female, look for the one that catches your eye and the one that you connect with first. I would never buy a chin based on sex (unless I needed a same sex, obviously), but rather on which one I really wanted. Trust me, when you go to look at your first chin, and you find the one that you really have to have, the sex isn't going to mean a thing.
I always heard the con that females spray, but honestly with my 12 boys they are just as naughty. They like to PEE out of the cages (dont know if the girls do that too). Another thing with boys is hair ring checks, but you'll have to check your girl too for any discharge or anything abnormal.
Like Peggy (tunes) said, its really up to you and the chin you connect with the most. Good luck on your search.
Both, in the end, are completely worth it! I was looking for a male, but ended up with a female, and am absolutely in love with her! (Even with all her quirks and attitude!)
My son is in the Air Force currently in Afghanistan and his chin Little Man came to stay with us Aug08. Little Man was about 3 when Chad got him from someone that was transfering to a new base.

Little Man was the joy of my life, my grandson, unfortunutely I lost Little Man sunday night to malo.

I am in WA State and want to get a chin for myself but I want one that has a chance of being healthly.

I have learned a lot about chins and Linda Clark has been such a great help to me.

I need to fill the empty space in my heart.
There are lots of really good breeders out your way. The risk of malo is alot lower when you know your chins history. Try posting here in the chins wanted section. I'm really sorry for your loss. I ahve both males and females and there's really no difference from what I noticed. They are just as friendly and as active as my females. Like Tunes said, most people know when they've found "the one". It's like you look at them and they're glowing. You just can't stop looking at em.