lump on jaw

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After Jasmine's illness and surgery last August, she has become much more friendly and open to being cuddled and being scritched. While giving her scritches the other day I found a lump on her left lower jaw.

It's definitely on the bone, and is hard, like the bone has grown in that one place. She has a comparable lump in the same place on her right lower jaw also, but it is more pronounced on the left.

Obviously I'm worried about her molar roots. However, when she had the surgery last August we told the vet to take x-rays as well, just to make the most of the opportunity to fully check her out. He said he didnt see any problems on those x-rays. I've attached those pics below, if anyone can see anything odd, could they please let me know?

So my question is, can malocclusion set in this fast? Like, can a tooth root grow so much as to be a problem in under five months??

Jasmine is maintaining her weight nicely: she's around 545-550g (a bit on the small side I know), eating and pooping normally, and acting fine. She does however grind her teeth and have watery eyes, although she's been that way since we rescued her a year and a half ago.

After taking her into the vet today, I've booked Jasmine in for a new set of x-rays on tuesday. I'll post when I know more.
Here are the x-rays from back in August.....


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I have to say I see root elongation in both upper & lower roots on those Xrays. :(
The lower roots are already on the jawline and the upper roots are encroaching on the eye sockets.
The Xrays are consistent with the weepy eyes and grinding teeth.

I am sorry :(
I am so sorry, it's so hard isn't it? I just lost my Mei yesterday to malo. :(

I'd have to say that yours don't look as bad as Mei's but here are her's for reference. Her upper ones were really bothering me. What was sad, is the vet said these looked normal, but I disagree.

See what others say about your x-rays as well, but they do look a bit long to me too.

My thoughts are with you, it really is hard...


It looks like Jasmine's roots were already elongated in August.

Sorry you have to go through this, I too have had a malo chin.
Weights and such

I agree that it looks like the roots are elongated, as well. I have a malo chin myself, so I know it can be hard to deal with that they might have more significant problems then in the beginning..

My thoughts are with you and hope it turns out okay!
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okay, so Baby J went to the vets again today and had more x-rays done. I dont have the pics right now, but will post them when the vet emails me the copies.
Only one tooth root has changed drastically since the x-rays done last august, and this is the one on the lower left jaw, corresponding with the bump that has developed in her jaw bone. The tooth hasn't broken through yet.

Because Jasmine is still eating and is maintaining her weight, I dont agree with putting her to sleep at this stage. I do however want to make it clear, that I understand that there is no cure for this, and that eventually, when she starts to struggle, I will do what's right.

So....what to do. One option is obviously to do nothing, and just monitor her carefully and/or give pain meds for the time she has left.

However, my vet has suggested that burring down the problem tooth might relieve some of the pressure on her jaw, maybe allowing the bone to stabilize. Or he suggests possibly removing that one tooth.

Like I said, I understand malo is incurable. I get that, and if she seems to be suffering then I will opt for having her pts. But doing nothing at all seems bad to me as well. I dont want to have her pts without at least trying to give her some more time (although only if her quality of life stays good).

Money is no object here. I will happily spend on dental work if it will help her live better, for longer. What I want to know is if anyone thinks this tooth burring is worth a shot, and if anyone here has ever had a chin who's had a single molar removed, and how that chin managed afterwards?

I told my vet I needed a couple of days to decide. I know Jasmine probably hasn't got hard to believe as I sit here watching her popcorning around the playroom.

Still, she's eating okay, chewing her toys and playing like normal. I'd like to buy her some more time if I can.
I'm looking for any info or advice I can have relating to the burring or tooth removal that my vet has suggested. And yes I do understand she cant have all her teeth removed....I'm only talking about the one tooth growing into her jaw.....when the time comes, I will let her go peacefully.

Advice/input is appreciated. Please be nice though, as I'm feeling very brittle right now
Amanda I am so sorry to hear about baby J. I'm so thankful she has had even though it was short. Love and hugs to the both of you!
I saw where you had posted or someone else had posted "rather one moment too soon than one moment too late" to pts. I think that's true here. If her teeth have grown to protrude out of her jaw in 5 months I'm afraid how much her other roots have grown. They were already almost in her eye sockets in August. If it was one tooth Id say pull it, but its not. Its a lot of pain and risk and recovery in the little time she might have left. If it were me, I would spend a few more days getting your hugs in and then make an appointment for this week. I am really sorry for your little Jasmine. :cry3:
The problem with teeth is how they react to each other (at least in humans). If you remove a top tooth, the bottom tooth is going to come up to meet it and vice versa. Burring down the tooth is more than likely going to cause the teeth around it to shift due to the disruption of the normal pattern of the teeth. I would ask the vet about that.

This is an incredibly personal decision that I don't think anybody can really advise you on. All we can tell you is what we would do. Tooth filings are painful and they seem to suck the will to live out of a lot of chins. I see people having to hand feed, the chin develops bloat, then there are meds and massages and a lot of misery for the chin. If it was me, I would give a good hard thought to quality of life issues. Surface malo can sometimes be controlled through filings, but again, it's a hard road. Root issues are a whole other matter and filings and so on is not something I, personally, would choose for my chins.
I'm sorry you have to make that decision :(

Since I myself just went through it, I know how hard it is.

I agree with Peggy, that it's a very personal decision. You need to decide what you're comfortable with. Going in and out of the vet for filings and checkups also is going to be stressful on the chin. I've also heard that prolonged use of pain meds (metacam) can be bad for the liver.
As said above there is no cure for malo and root elongation is a very painful thing. Chins don't normally show pain. Teeth filing is also painful and as said something I wouldn't do under the circumstances. I know it's an extremely difficult decision but personally I would put her down very soon. She is suffering.