Lump on Back

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Jun 15, 2010
New York
My chin just recently aquired a lump on the back end near his tail. He is running around fine, and eating alright and drinking. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem, and if I should take him to a vet. Or if it could be a fatty tumor?

The lump is hard and round. And when you touch it, he doesn't seem to mind it at all.

Any suggestions, or answers?
How big is it?

Those lumps usually turn out to be abscesses and a vet visit is a good idea to treat it. The abscesses actually fill with puss and become very hard because the skin is essentially being pressurized by the puss. It may not be enough to keep the chin from eating but there still is pain and irritation involved with that.

I'd definitely go to the vet to get that checked out. The sooner you go in the better. If it isn't something like an abscess, it could be something else that needs veterinary attention.
I had a 3 month old kit here develop an abscess right behind his shoulder. The lump was not visible under all that fur but I noticed it while holding him. The lump was pretty hard and at the vet, we found it was indeed an abscess with thick white contents. The abscess had to be surgically removed and the area stitched up. We had some complications due to him scratching it with his hind legs and eventually had to wrap the incision site daily.
We also ended up switching to chloramphenicol as the antibiotic which is stronger and kills a wider variety of bacteria that may occur in abscesses. He was first on a course of TMS but we felt it wasn't working well enough.

ETA: The lump was hard and round like a little gumball and Scooter showed no discomfort when it was touched.
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even my chin has developed it, i asked the doctor he said its quite fine, some chins do have extra muscles.