Low Calcium Pellets?

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2009
Houston Texas
I need some ideas for chin suitable low calcium pellets. I have a male going in for his second bladder stone surgery in 3 months. I need to find more ways to reduce his calcium intake.
What is his current diet? What type of hay and pellets are you feeding? It may help something identify a change that you can make.
Stone's aren't caused solely from calcium. They are very similar to humans. Diet, water intake and genetic predisposition play a role too.
Current diet is Oxbow Delux pellets and Timothy hay. Stones from three months ago were found to be calcium monohydrate oxalate. He is in surgery now so unknown about this one's composition. He is also given potassium citrate twice a day which has been effective in guinny pigs.