New member
Hi everyone! I'm new to posting on this forum, although I've seen lots of posts when I've had questions and gone searching online!
There is lots of great info here, and I'm so glad...
I'm a big fan of Fuzzies Kingdom, and have gotten lots of goodies for my chinchilly from there. I sent an email to them asking for some guidance, and they suggested I reach out to all of you to get some help!!
I have a 3 year old female chinchilla. Her name is Sapphire, but that's way to formal of a name for my little chilly! I have all kinds of cute nicknames for her, all of which are a little embarrassing because they are way to cutesy - haha. I'm sure you understand...
Anyway, we got her when she was first able to come home- so she is very bonded with humans (mostly me ;-) ) yea me! She is super sweet and lovable, and actually likes to cuddle up in my lap while I pet her
I'm actually pretty flattered by it, and consider myself really lucky to have the honor of being loved by my little chilly.
I need help though! Does anyone know of a good vet in Santa Rosa, CA??? (or somewhere in the North Bay?) I have a vet, but I'm not sure if he's the best one for her, so I thought I'd ask...
I've had to bring her in a few times this past month- I suspect open- pyometra... Hopefully someone reading this knows of someone!!
In a nutshell she's been to the vet a few times- recently.
First time was because she was always licking her privates. - then I noticed some whitish discharge- no smell to it. The vet put her on an antibiotic ( I forgot the name of it, but she LOVED they way it tasted)... It didn't really work much. No loss of energy, seemed happy.
Then she developed diarrhea / soft smeary poop. UGH. Still licking- and some discharge- still no smell. I took her in for the second time- Dr. got a fresh sample of her poop, and checked it out under the microscope. (checking for giardia and parasites, and other stuff...). Found nothing- only lots of yeast...He put her on another antibiotic- Metronidazole. (she HATED that one...!) Just to be sure, he sent it off to the lab in case he missed anything, and said that if they did find anything, that this antibiotic is most likely the one to use. Lab results came back- all good.
Antibiotic maybe helped the diarrhea some- kind of off and on- but better. Still whitish discharge. So, I called the vet again. I brought her in the day after Thanksgiving for the third time. Dr. took her blood- said that was the next step. Her weight has gone down some- she has always been small- but is skinnier. Energy is ok- little more lethargic- but nothing drastic. Blood test results are due back tomorrow (Monday). I can tell something is going on...
That's why I'm thinking open- pyometra. I know this can be very serious, and I'm worried about her. Fortunately if it is, it's open and not closed......I'm planning on calling my vet first thing tomorrow- and pressing the issue- Baytril? I know if it is open- pyometra having her spayed may be the only option....
Any one out there who can give me some guidance or help me find a vet who specializes in exotics or knows chinchillas? Thank you !
I'm a big fan of Fuzzies Kingdom, and have gotten lots of goodies for my chinchilly from there. I sent an email to them asking for some guidance, and they suggested I reach out to all of you to get some help!!
I have a 3 year old female chinchilla. Her name is Sapphire, but that's way to formal of a name for my little chilly! I have all kinds of cute nicknames for her, all of which are a little embarrassing because they are way to cutesy - haha. I'm sure you understand...
Anyway, we got her when she was first able to come home- so she is very bonded with humans (mostly me ;-) ) yea me! She is super sweet and lovable, and actually likes to cuddle up in my lap while I pet her
I need help though! Does anyone know of a good vet in Santa Rosa, CA??? (or somewhere in the North Bay?) I have a vet, but I'm not sure if he's the best one for her, so I thought I'd ask...
I've had to bring her in a few times this past month- I suspect open- pyometra... Hopefully someone reading this knows of someone!!
In a nutshell she's been to the vet a few times- recently.
First time was because she was always licking her privates. - then I noticed some whitish discharge- no smell to it. The vet put her on an antibiotic ( I forgot the name of it, but she LOVED they way it tasted)... It didn't really work much. No loss of energy, seemed happy.
Then she developed diarrhea / soft smeary poop. UGH. Still licking- and some discharge- still no smell. I took her in for the second time- Dr. got a fresh sample of her poop, and checked it out under the microscope. (checking for giardia and parasites, and other stuff...). Found nothing- only lots of yeast...He put her on another antibiotic- Metronidazole. (she HATED that one...!) Just to be sure, he sent it off to the lab in case he missed anything, and said that if they did find anything, that this antibiotic is most likely the one to use. Lab results came back- all good.
Antibiotic maybe helped the diarrhea some- kind of off and on- but better. Still whitish discharge. So, I called the vet again. I brought her in the day after Thanksgiving for the third time. Dr. took her blood- said that was the next step. Her weight has gone down some- she has always been small- but is skinnier. Energy is ok- little more lethargic- but nothing drastic. Blood test results are due back tomorrow (Monday). I can tell something is going on...
That's why I'm thinking open- pyometra. I know this can be very serious, and I'm worried about her. Fortunately if it is, it's open and not closed......I'm planning on calling my vet first thing tomorrow- and pressing the issue- Baytril? I know if it is open- pyometra having her spayed may be the only option....
Any one out there who can give me some guidance or help me find a vet who specializes in exotics or knows chinchillas? Thank you !