Loud Squeaking???

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Aug 11, 2012
So our we were playing with our chinchillas today and when we put them back home our male chinchilla started squeaking louder then usual. The has been squeaking a lot recently and we though it was just for attention (hoping its not anything more), but tonight it was a little startling. We have researched chinchillas sounds and it just sounds like chattering but the sounds today were kind of high pitch, but there were no aggressive actions between them. Any ideas?
If I am guessing the right sound that yours was making, mine does it too! I am really curious about it as well. It sounds like a squeaky toy. I hope someone knows what this means, because I would really like to know too! :)
One of my two boys will do that... sometimes I think he just wants attention or is upset because he doesn't want to go back into cage after playtime. It's always tough to decipher what the sounds mean. As long as it's not high-pitched and sounds like a sign of distress, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Some chins are just more vocal than others! One of my boys doesn't "talk" at all.
They are training you. They have learned that making those sounds gets you to come to their cages and give them attention, so they do it to call you.
Maggie does a squeaky noise after she gets scratches and treats and a dust bath so I assumed it ment she was happy? She also popcorns when she makes the noise usually. The only way I can describe the noise is that it sounds like a guinea pig.
My guinea pig use to do this loud squeaky noise when I came home from work. Happy to see me I think?
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