Lots of contact sounds

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
Portland, OR
Our little girl's been making a lot of noise lately. According to the site below it's her contact sound.

She's in the room with us all the time and we go see her. I'm wondering a couple things though.

1. Is it possible she's in heat? She hasn't done this a lot over the last couple months, the last week's been noisy!

2. Should we consider getting her a friend? We've held off to give her time to adjust to losing her buddy and get settled. I know introductions don't always go that well but it sounds like she's lonely. We spend time with her but I'm kind of worried it's not enough.

My chin is a boy and at first I thought maybe he was lonely when he started making the contact sounds, but then I would start making them back to him as best I could and give him a couple skritches under his chin and behind his ears and he would stop. He seems to go through a week or so when he will do it every day and then stop for a while before he decides to do it again. I'm not an expert, but I'd say that generally it is just because they want someone to pay attention to them or a reminder that someone else is around. Glad that she's not as moody!
Sorry I didn't have any real answers, but I figured I'd let you know that some one else's chin does it too.
A quick update to this. She's started doing it again this week and licking her genitals a lot.

And we figured out it's about monthly, so I think it's a sign she's in heat! Lookin' for love!