Alicyn- She's only around 6 or 7, I'd have to go check her pedigree to check for sure, I wondered the age but my other chins who are all around her age are still as plump as ever, and you can really feel her back and hips, she has been getting thinner for a while but she just seemed to go down hill this month. Her cage got changed around the end of December, and her food was changed around the end of November, but she was thinning before that, and didn't really go down hill until now.
Tati- I don't have life line or critical care but I'm ordering that now :] I'll make sure to get that ordered, this baby doesn't show signs of malo that I've heard or, no drooling or pawing. Ours chins get water from the tap, but this is where we also get our drinking water, so it's safe. Okay, if it comes to going to the vet, I'll try to ask for a fecal float.
I also forgot to mention, she has had whiter teeth lately, I've given her some cuttlebone and she chews it occasionally. Sorry, that probably could've been mentioned!