Lost 14 grams, I think. Do I need CC?

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
So I bought a scale and weighed Chilli tonight. He was 614g. I can't remember if he was 620 or 628- we had both of them weighed and now I am so tired I have them mixed up. I did not get the CC today- work issues. Does he require it, or should I see if he continues to drop? It is also a different scale than the vets, so I know that can sometimes make a difference.

On the other hand, while researching threads about giving antibiotics and hand feeding I came across some advice to mix the meds with a bit of chamomile tea to get some extra fluids in him. WOW. He slurped it down. at first he clamped down and refused to open, so a bit dribbled down his side but once he tasted it, he was just sucking it down. I gave him about .5 ml of the tea total mixed in with the meds. I will weigh him again in the morning- he has not had his dinner yet- they eat around midnight.
Thanks for all your help. I never thought this would happen to me. They have been so good until now and it seems like it came out of nowhere, all these decisions to be made about his quality of life.
I really can't answer your question because im not an expert on this stuff but i do have a question i am sure would help others. Why did he see the vet in the first place? and what meds did they put him on? I know some meds will cause a decrease in appetite. And yes different scales can vary a little.
The scale from the vet office & yours may vary. I would weigh him the same time every day or night. I always weigh richie at night before his last feeding.
Start with the weight you took last night and go from there, if he continues to lose you will need to supplement. I wouldn't let him get under 600.
Also if you do get the CC, make sure you get the apple bannana flavor.
At this point, I'd also leave food bowls filled 24/7. With the antibiotics in him, let him eat when he feels like it!
You might also check chocolatechinchillas.com and read Dawnna's page on LifeLine - it was developed for animals on antibiotics, and works very well!
Rick- we do leave the food in all the time. They attack their clean hay when we put it in around 9 and then we hear them munching on pellets around 11 or 12. They have hay twice a day, but the morning hay, they are usually sleepy for and don't come investigate.
I would just keep an eye on him since you said he was eating. It is normal for him to have dropped a bit and 14g. isn't too much in the grand scheme. If he continues to drop instead of holding steady or even gaining a bit back (depending on how much he lost during the whole ordeal) then I would break out the CC. I hope he does well for you, I know exactly what you are going through :)).
I weigh chins a lot. They can easily vary 20+ g in a day- it's water weight. Back-to-back 20g loses would be cause for concern.

What I have found useful is to track tendencies over time: do they tend to hold the same weight, tend to lose, tend to gain.

Weight is only one - albeit an important - tool in accessing your chin's health.