Looking for the best food possible for my baby

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Nov 10, 2011
We got our chinchilla in june from the valley view chinchilla ranch near san diego and since we have had him we have only used the stuff they carry in fear of getting the wrong product for him, we'd like to get the healthiest/best food possible for him that we can hopefully find local, what would be some of the best options? this is just for pellets.

if you have something you use that you recommend please include a photo of your chin if possible =]
this is our baby btw
i use mazuri and my chins doing good on it (shes only 5 months soon to be six) also hay should always be given i prefer loose timothy hay
I use Oxbow. One of my chins is my avatar. If you want to get it local, call your local feeds or go to Petsmart. I personally order pellets from Sandi, here on the forum, hers are always fresh and my girls love them.
the cage in the pic of our chinchilla is no longer in use we have upgraded to an fn 142 to get him off of the wires
If I am not mistaken, Valley View has their feed made for them. I had a couple of rescues come in that were bought from Valley View. The chins came with what was left of their feed from Valley View. It smelled really different from any feed that I have ever used.
i should really see if i can get an ingredient list from them. very nice people so shouldn't be a problem