Looking for a specific diet suited for chins with heart murmurs

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Godins Chinchillas

Godin's Chinchillas
Jan 30, 2009
Albany, NY
So I am on the search for a diet low in salt for Usagi. I am concerned that the purina diet is too high in salt for her.

Does anyone know the salt content of the Kline diet? Manna Pro also has a lower salt content but some of these feeds only come in large bags. I only want to get 5# or so at a time since it will be just for her. I might have to get Tradition but after hearing some complaints about it don't know if that should be the way to go.


Chins with murmurs, liver issues, bladder issues do well and American Pet Diners Timmy pellets, low in fat, protein and salt. I would also add Vit C to the diet.
I had a chin that had heart disease and it was recommended that he should be on a Timothy diet instead of an alfalfa diet.