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Do the chinny shuffle!
Jan 29, 2009
I was trying to contact Mystic Mosaics. I had heard she was not making her chin treats anymore. Is this true.

I did email her but did not hear back and I have a chin here who LOVES her little cookies :D
My boys have never tried her cookies so they don't know what they're missing but are they like hay cookies or more cookie cookie looking. Oh that sounded funny but I hope you know what I mean, LOL.
Most of mine like home made food cookies or other things I have bought, but 2 in particular are partial to these cookies.
My fickle little farts love both Crysta's(essentia) and stacey's(staceywolf) cookies. They are extremely peculiar with Stacey's though, Eeyore will only eat her cookies that are rod shaped,he turns his nose up at the pretty cut out ones even though they all come from exactly the same dough batch. Go figure, gotta be one weird-oops I meant unique one in the bunch.
Thanks Stacie, I thought so, but I didnt want to bomb her with emails either. I will just have to see if they will eat other things.
Kelly shared her recipe with me so I could start making them to raise funds for the rescue. Give me a couple of weeks to get it worked out and make a few trial batches. :dance3:
OOOOh PLease please I will def be your tester!!!! LOL My 2 rescue girls love them!!!!!!!! (secretly starts to stalk you)