Lookie what I brought home!

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He's a super cutie. I love his white stripe on his nose. He reminds me of Pepe Le Pew!
melissa he's super cute i'm glad he found you and that you took him in he's lucky to have you.
what an adorable puppy!!!
black-jack is a really cute name! very fitting. lol
i hope everything is okay with him and he finds a good home if you decide not to keep him. (although i dont know if i could give him up) LOL
good luck! keeps us updated!
He's very very lucky to have found you! I would have done the same thing myself I use Frontline for fleas on my dogs but Advantix is awesome too! You'll Have him in perfect shape in no time. Give him some loving that's what he ecspecially needs!! Good Luck, keep us posted!
He just looks so peaceful sleeping in the crate. He's very lucky to have found you. I too love the name Black Jack. Definitely keep us posted on his progress and his name, he's such a cutie! :)
Sorry I didnt update this yesterday when we came home from the vet.

He has tape and hook worms.. So he got a a deworming for that. He got checked for heart worms.. NOTHING!.. As of yet.. He is still about 6-7 months old so until he is a year old they wont know for sure. But they want him on Revolution like Lola to prevent as of right now.

He is not anemic! Thank God. They checked his gums and teeth and said they look great besides a little bit of tarter on one tooth on the back.. So extra bones for him!

He also has pasta-something-itis.. The green dripping from the penis. The Dr said almost every boy will get some kind of dripping. We are trying Baytril tablets to see if it will clear it up. But he said not to get discouraged if it comes back when the antibiotics are gone.

Once he is better and off of meds and worm free we will get him an appointment to get the snip-snip. He did so well at the vet!

I took Lola in too just to get her tested for stuff and she didnt need any shots.. but mean old mommy forgot everyones poop samples on the counter at home and they needed to take their own samples..

The baby took it like a champ.. Lola cried at EVERYTHING! Didnt let the Dr check her ears or eyes or stomach or heart.. She was a bad girl at the vet today! Still everyone got extra lovin's!

Cant wait for the worms to go away.. So he can get up in the bed with me and Lola. Fleas seem to be gone btw! No scratching for a whole day that Ive noticed!
That's good! Have you decided what his name should be? Are you gonna stick with BlackJack? Coz it's a cute name =D
Ok! So I *think* we have a name.. Koa. Its hawaiian.

Category: Dog - Gender: Male
Koa means brave, bold fearless.

Im hoping that giving him a nice strong name will help him with a fresh start.. I hope he becomes fearless someday. He's still a little whimpy but hopefully the name will change that. He is also already starting to respond to it.. with wagigng his tail or lifting his head. Lola responds to it too.. And Im not sure if its because they sound similar.. but we will see how the name sticks..

So.. he farts.. A LOT.. Is it from the worms dying inside of him or can it be from the baytril tabs? Can I give him something for it.. Pepto? Also should I be giving probiotics too? His dripping seems to have already cleared up.. YAY! Lets hope it stays that way after he is off the meds.. And! When I investigate in his poops the worms look dead.. :gag: His poop also softened up a bit but Im thinking its from the baytril as well..

Awe that is a cute name mel, I like it!

Not sure about the farting. Chelsea farts and I think its coz shes older, lol. She only does it once in awhile though.

Good luck with him. He is in good and loving hands :)
He is such a cutie! I'm glad he is doing well! I love the name too. It definitely fits him.
So he totally made peepee in the house.. fine.. I understand he doesnt feel well and he is in a new place.. Well I opened my windows to air out the place and had him outside while I was cleaning.. He jumped back in through the open window in my room.. And stole not one but TWO of my shoes and had them outside in the wet grass! I was going to throw them away anyways but he is FRESH!

He is definitely a little rascal! He hides mine and Lolas things.. Hes a little thief! TOO CUTE. Im am trying to break him of the habit of taking things that arent his.. but its not sinking in just yet!
You can give him probiotic, can't hurt. Also, you can give him gas-x for the gas. It works miracles for Jake (who has the WORST gas in the world...).
That's too funny. Like he's testing you to see if you'll keep him. Any new pics? After a few days of good food and meds, he must be feeling better.
You can try sprinkling baking soda on his food, or pepcid ac for the gas. I have recently started using comfortis on my dogs for fleas (it doesn't cover ticks), and I really like it. My corgi has flea allergies (really bad), and since the switch she hasn't had a problem.
So everyone has been telling me that Koa is a pit mix. Ive been looking up specific features and actually found a dog with his exact color and markings..with a slightly different face.. And that was a lab..


The one I found online

Ill get a picture of his whole body sometime after I wake up later today.. But what do you guys think?

And do all labs have long hair or are their short haired labs?
Labs are not supposed to have white markings they can show up if you breed two yellow labs together (so I've been told). Labs have longer thick hair with undercoats.

He looks like a pit mix on the photos on the first page. American straffordshire terrier are the pit that AKC recognizes. They do not recognize pit bulls, but these guys were the same thing when the breed started.http://www.akc.org/breeds/american_staffordshire_terrier/photos.cfm

Some of the pictures their ears are cropped, so don't look at the ears.
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She does look like a pit mix to me as well, her face for sure. She is so cute, I just love her!
When you very first posted him Mel, I was sure he was a pit mix. I don't think he looks like a lab unless it's the watered down version. Labs have more of a square head for one thing, and as pointed out above, a purebred black lab shouldn't have white on them.
Melissa, we got a 7 month old doberman last fall who was on the thin side and had diahrea. He looked good at the check up though. We tried all kinds of dog food brands - very expensive brands, and the gas and diahrea stuck around. I finally looked up the bland food diet on the internet and switched his food to a homemade one. I cook up brown rice, burger (chicken would be better but expensive, so I make sure I drain all fat from the burger), sweet potatoes, mixed vegetables and mix in plain yogurt. His diahrea cleared up, the gas went away, and he gained weight. You can put your dog on this sort of diet for a couple of weeks and then try him again on regular dog food. I have found for my dog, though, that I couldn't put him back strictly on dog food or the problems come back. So I continue to make my homemade dog food and then mix in a small amount of good dry dog food to make sure he gets all the nutrients he needs. If I mix in too much dry, the gas comes back. If I keep the proportions right for him, no problems. But try switching your dog to a bland diet for a couple of weeks and see if that helps! Good luck!